An Overall Philosophy on the Use of Critical Threat Intelligence | McAfee Blogs

An Overall Philosophy on the Use of Critical Threat Intelligence | McAfee Blogs

The overarching threat facing cyber organizations today is a highly skilled asymmetric enemy, well-funded and resolute in his task and purpose.   You never can exactly tell how they will come at you, but come they will.  It’s no different than fighting a kinetic foe in that, before you fight, you must choose your ground and study your enemy’s tendencies. A lot of focus has been placed on tools and updating technology, but often we are…

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The Importance Of Protecting Your App’s Source Code

The Importance Of Protecting Your App’s Source Code

By Rui Ribeiro, CEO and Co-founder, Jscrambler If your business operations involve any type of web or mobile app, it’s likely that the source code of these apps represents a very important part of your company’s intellectual property. As a result of the ongoing digital transformation, these apps have often become key pieces of a company’s competitive advantage and thus a strategic business asset. It’s no wonder then that unwarranted access to this source code…

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How to install SELinux on Ubuntu Server 20.04

How to install SELinux on Ubuntu Server 20.04

If you’ve already spent the time learning SELinux, but have to deploy Ubuntu as a server operating system, you can install SELinux and be on familiar ground. Jack Wallen shows you how. Image: GettyImages/Yuichiro Chino Ubuntu Server has its own Mandatory Access Control system, called AppArmor, which is similar to SELinux, in that they both provide tools to isolate applications from one another, to protect the host system. But how each of these tools is…

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The number of false positive security alerts is staggering. Here’s what you can do to reduce yours

The number of false positive security alerts is staggering. Here’s what you can do to reduce yours

Nearly half of all cybersecurity alerts are false positives, and 75% of companies spend an equal amount of time, or more, on them than on actual attacks, a Fastly/ESG report reveals. Image: iStock/kanawatvector For companies that have made the leap to the cloud and API-driven world of modern computing, today’s cybersecurity models are causing more headaches than they’re worth, to the tune of 46% of all application downtime being caused by false positives. The report…

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REvil Ransomware Uses DLL Sideloading | McAfee Blogs

REvil Ransomware Uses DLL Sideloading | McAfee Blogs

This blog was written byVaradharajan Krishnasamy, Karthickkumar, Sakshi Jaiswal Introduction Ransomware attacks are one of the most common cyber-attacks among organizations; due to an increase in Ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) on the black market. RaaS provides readily available ransomware to cyber criminals and is an effective way for attackers to deploy a variety of ransomware in a short period of time. Usually, RaaS model developers sell or rent their sophisticated ransomware framework on the black market. After…

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SAVE THE DATE : Next Community All Hands on September 16th ! – Docker Blog

SAVE THE DATE : Next Community All Hands on September 16th ! – Docker Blog

We’re excited to announce that our next Community All Hands will be in exactly 2 months,  on Thursday September 16th 2021 @ 8am PST/5pm CET. The event is a unique opportunity for Docker staff, Captains, Community Leaders and the broader Docker community to come together for live company updates, product updates, demos, community updates, contributor shout-outs and of course, a live Q&A.  Based on the great feedback we received from our last all-hands, we’ll stick…

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COVID-19 Vaccine Passports: 5 Security Tips for You and Your Family | McAfee Blogs COVID-19 Vaccine Passports: 5 Security Tips to Follow | McAfee Blog

COVID-19 Vaccine Passports: 5 Security Tips for You and Your Family | McAfee Blogs COVID-19 Vaccine Passports: 5 Security Tips to Follow | McAfee Blog

Depending on where your travels take you, you might need a new passport—a COVID-19 vaccine passport.  In an effort to kickstart travel and local economies, these so-called vaccine passports are more accurately a certificate. Such a “passport” can offer proof that the holder has been fully vaccinated against the virus, and there are several of these passports developing in the wings. With all of this in motion, I wanted to give families a look at what’s happening so that they can protect their privacy and identity online.  What is a COVID-19 vaccine passport?  Broadly speaking,…

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COVID-19 Vaccine Passports: 5 Security Tips for You and Your Family

COVID-19 Vaccine Passports: 5 Security Tips for You and Your Family | McAfee Blogs COVID-19 Vaccine Passports: 5 Security Tips to Follow | McAfee Blog

Depending on where your travels take you, you might need a new passport—a COVID-19 vaccine passport.  In an effort to kickstart travel and local economies, these so-called vaccine passports are more accurately a certificate. Such a “passport” can offer proof that the holder has been fully vaccinated against the virus, and there are several of these passports developing in the wings. With all of this in motion, I wanted to give families a look at what’s happening so that they can protect their privacy and identity online.  What is a COVID-19 vaccine passport?  Broadly speaking,…

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Fake employment sites and emails are getting hard to spot, and they are targeting job seekers

Fake employment sites and emails are getting hard to spot, and they are targeting job seekers

As if job seekers don’t have enough to worry about, now there’s a warning from authorities: be wary of fake employment sites. The sites are so good, they’re easy to fall victim to. They even reference popular, mainstream internet job boards in their communications. What they’re after, though, is your resume. “There’s typically a lot of information on a resume and these will lead to additional fraud, like resetting a password on a bank account…

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Regulating patrols and processes without micromanaging your security team

Regulating patrols and processes without micromanaging your security team

Regulating patrols and processes without micromanaging your security team | 2021-07-16 | Security Magazine This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to learn more….

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