New Epsilon Red Ransomware appears in the threat landscape

New Epsilon Red Ransomware appears in the threat landscape

Researchers spotted a new piece of ransomware named Epsilon Red that was employed at least in an attack against a US company. Researchers from Sophos spotted a new piece of ransomware, named Epsilon Red, that infected at least one organization in the hospitality sector in the United States. The name Epsilon Red comes from an adversary of some of the X-Men in the Marvel extended universe, it is a “super soldier” alleged to be of…

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Ransomware-as-a-service: How DarkSide and other gangs get into systems to hijack data

Ransomware-as-a-service: How DarkSide and other gangs get into systems to hijack data

Expert says all companies are at risk, but especially smaller ones who may not have very secure systems. Not all attackers are after large amounts of ransom. TechRepublic’s Karen Roby spoke with Marc Rogers, vice president of cybersecurity at Okta, about ransomware. The following is an edited transcript of their conversation. Karen Roby: I’ll point out just because before we were recording, I said, “Well, today’s Friday. We’re heading into the weekend.” As you made…

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Intro to Google Cloud VMware Engine – Bastion Host Access with IAP – VMware Cloud Community

Intro to Google Cloud VMware Engine – Bastion Host Access with IAP – VMware Cloud Community

resource “google_project_iam_member” “bastion_sa_bindings” { for_each = toset(var.service_account_roles) project = var.project role = each.key member = “serviceAccount:${}” } google_project_iam_member.bastion_sa_bindings completes the IAM-related configuration by granting roles defined in the service_account_roles variable to the service account. This service account is assigned to the bastion host, which defines what the bastion host can do. The default roles assigned are listed below, but they can be modified in Log Writer (roles/logging.logWriter) Monitoring Metric Writer (roles/monitoring.metricWriter) Monitoring Viewer (roles/monitoring.viewer) Compute OS Login (roles/compute.osLogin)…

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Sextortion Lands Inmate in Federal Prison

Sextortion Lands Inmate in Federal Prison

An inmate of the South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) has been sentenced to five years in federal prison for his role in a deadly sextortion scheme. Wendell Wilkins, of Ridgeville, South Carolina, was serving a 12-year sentence for attempted armed robbery when he pleaded guilty to involvement in a cyber-scam to blackmail military members.  Prosecutors alleged 32-year-old Wilkins posed as young women and joined dating sites using smartphones smuggled into the correctional facility. He then allegedly contacted members…

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How to protect your Google search history with extra verification

How to protect your Google search history with extra verification

Google has made it possible for you to password protect your search history within your cloud account. Jack Wallen shows you how. Image: Matjaz Boncina/Getty Images Did you know anyone could walk up to your computer and view your Google search history? Anything you have searched for in Google is visible. Anything. Because Google keeps everything in the cloud, you don’t have to be sitting at your desk and on your web browser to view…

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Teen Crashes Florida School District’s Network

Teen Crashes Florida School District’s Network

A teenage boy from Florida is facing felony charges after carrying out a cyber-attack that knocked 145 schools offline last spring.  The unnamed 17-year-old junior at St. Petersburg High School crashed the entire computer network of the Pinellas County School District in Florida by deploying a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. His actions caused all the schools in the district to lose internet access on March 22 and 23. According to a search warrant from the St. Petersburg…

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41% of GRC professionals adopting cloud-based technology in post-pandemic recovery

41% of GRC professionals adopting cloud-based technology in post-pandemic recovery

41% of GRC professionals adopting cloud-based technology in post-pandemic recovery | 2021-06-02 | Security Magazine This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to learn…

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Cybersecurity: There’s no such thing as a false positive

Cybersecurity: There’s no such thing as a false positive

All alerts mean something, even if it’s just that an employee needs more training. The threat of breach is constant, and those companies who make assumptions about alerts could be in big trouble. Image: kerly chonglor/Shutterstock The topic of false positives in the security realm is one that’s been on my mind lately as a harried system administrator. A false positive entails an alert about a problem which is actually not a problem, is a…

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