Updating your data protection documentation following Brexit – IT Governance UK Blog

Updating your data protection documentation following Brexit – IT Governance UK Blog

The UK data protection landscape is a lot more complex following Brexit. Many organisations are now subject to both the EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the UK GDPR (General Data Protection). The UK version was born out of the EU GDPR, so you might think that there are only cosmetic differences and that minor actions are required to adjust your documentation and compliance practices. Unfortunately, it’s not that straightforward. If you haven’t done…

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Mass Monitoring of Remote Workers Drives Shadow IT Risk

Mass Monitoring of Remote Workers Drives Shadow IT Risk

Nearly half (44%) of UK remote workers have had monitoring software installed by their employer, but the trend is pushing many into more insecure practices, Kaspersky has warned. Around a year after the pandemic forced a majority of UK employees to work-from-home, the Russian AV vendor polled 2000 full-time staff to understand levels of trust among managers and employees. Monitoring software can be an important bulwark against non-compliant and risky user behavior, especially given the…

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Google to Delay Publishing Vulnerability Details for 30 Days

Google to Delay Publishing Vulnerability Details for 30 Days

Google has added an extra 30-day period to its vulnerability disclosure cycle to allow customers more time to fix vulnerabilities before technical details are released. The tech giant’s Project Zero team is a prolific researcher of industry vulnerabilities, and maintains a strict 90-day policy of public vulnerability disclosure after vendor notification, in order to pressure firms to issue patches quicker. “In practice however, we didn’t observe a significant shift in patch development timelines,” explained manager…

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Strategies for elevating security to an evergreen business priority

Strategies for elevating security to an evergreen business priority

CSO Online | Apr 16, 2021 PwC Chief Information and Technology Officer James Shira is an expert on managing security’s big picture. With the growing focus on risk management from boards and senior leadership, James shares advice on keeping security and risk management a top priority for senior business leadership. We’ll discuss where security should be focusing efforts, risks businesses should be prioritizing, how to address the security talent shortage, and ways security leaders can…

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Suspected Trickbot Actors Target Slack and BaseCamp Users

Suspected Trickbot Actors Target Slack and BaseCamp Users

The threat actors behind the infamous Trickbot botnet have been at work again, firing highly customized phishing emails targeting Slack and BaseCamp users with loader malware, according to Sophos. The British security vendor’s principal researcher, Andrew Brandt, explained that the campaign first appeared in January. Malicious emails contained links to malware payloads hosted on the cloud storage services provided by popular collaboration tools like Slack. “The emails also inserted the names of both the recipient…

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Digital Spring Cleaning: Seven Steps for Faster, Safer Devices | McAfee Blogs

Digital Spring Cleaning: Seven Steps for Faster, Safer Devices | McAfee Blogs

Throw open the windows and let in some fresh air. It’s time for spring cleaning. And that goes for your digital stuff too. Whether it’s indeed spring where you are or not, you can give your devices, apps, and online accounts a good decluttering. Now’s the time. Cleaning them up can protect your privacy and your identity, because when there’s less lying about, there’s less for hackers to scoop up and exploit. The reality is…

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Gaining a video surveillance ‘edge’ in the cloud

Gaining a video surveillance ‘edge’ in the cloud

Gaining a video surveillance ‘edge’ in the cloud | 2021-04-16 | Security Magazine This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to learn more. …

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Product spotlight on cybersecurity, data protection, and privacy solutions

Product spotlight on cybersecurity, data protection, and privacy solutions

Product spotlight on cybersecurity, data protection, and privacy solutions | 2021-04-16 | Security Magazine This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to learn more….

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A quick round up of privacy highlights for Q1 of 2021

A quick round up of privacy highlights for Q1 of 2021

As expected, the start of 2021 has seen unprecedented movement in the U.S. with 22 states introducing comprehensive privacy legislation and even more introducing specific-use legislation. To date, hundreds of privacy bills were introduced across the states; to give some perspective, more than 50 privacy bills were introduced in New York alone. Undoubtedly a hot topic, it seemed anyone with an idea for a privacy bill put it in writing and introduced it to their…

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US Imprisons “Sadistic” Sextortionist

US Imprisons “Sadistic” Sextortionist

US Imprisons “Sadistic” Sextortionist A man from California has been sent to prison for cyberstalking two people and threatening to murder them unless they performed sex acts on him. US Judge Dolly Gee described the actions of Covina resident Carl De Vera Bennington as "sadistic" and "cruel” before handing him a custodial sentence. One of the victims of 34-year-old Bennington was just a teenager when he began targeting her. The cyberstalking took place over a period of…

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