Name:Wreck Bugs Could Impact 100M IoT Devices

Name:Wreck Bugs Could Impact 100M IoT Devices

Security experts have discovered a new set of DNS vulnerabilities which could impact over 100 million IoT devices used by consumers and enterprises. Forescout teamed up with Israeli consultancy JSOF to uncover nine vulnerabilities they have labelled Name:Wreck. They affect popular IT software FreeBSD and IoT/OT firmware IPnet, Nucleus NET and NetX. Forescout claimed that, although not all devices running the software are vulnerable, even if just 1% were, that could impact as many as…

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Food Shortages at Dutch Supermarkets After Ransomware Outage

Food Shortages at Dutch Supermarkets After Ransomware Outage

There were empty shelves at branches of the Netherlands’ largest supermarket chain recently after a ransomware attack on a key logistics supplier. With over 1000 locations around the country, Albert Heijn is an industry giant. Yet the supermarket firm suffered major food shortages after the cyber-attack on key supplier Bakker Logistiek, according to local reports. Among the foodstuffs most affected by the attack were deliveries of packaged cheese. A note on the Albert Heijn website currently…

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McAfee Labs Report Reveals Latest COVID-19 Threats and Malware Surges | McAfee Blogs

McAfee Labs Report Reveals Latest COVID-19 Threats and Malware Surges | McAfee Blogs

The McAfee Advanced Threat Research team today published the McAfee Labs Threats Report: April 2021. In this edition, we present new findings in our traditional threat statistical categories – as well as our usual malware, sectors, and vectors – imparted in a new, enhanced digital presentation that’s more easily consumed and interpreted. Historically, our reports detailed the volume of key threats, such as “what is in the malware zoo.” The introduction of MVISION Insights in…

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Touchless access control solutions look to alter the landscape of higher education

Touchless access control solutions look to alter the landscape of higher education

Touchless access control solutions look to alter the landscape of higher education | 2021-04-13 | Security Magazine This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy…

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Clubhouse API allows everyone to scrape public user data

Clubhouse API allows everyone to scrape public user data

Clubhouse API allows everyone to scrape public user data | 2021-04-13 | Security Magazine This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to learn more….

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Ghidra 101: Creating Structures in Ghidra | The State of Security

Ghidra 101: Creating Structures in Ghidra | The State of Security

In this blog series, I will be putting the spotlight on useful Ghidra features you may have missed. Each post will look at a different feature and show how it helps you save time and be more effective in your reverse engineering workflows. Ghidra is an incredibly powerful tool, but much of this power comes from knowing how to use it effectively. Programmers commonly define composite data types to group related data for access with a single pointer. When…

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How to raise the cybersecurity poverty line and make companies more secure

How to raise the cybersecurity poverty line and make companies more secure

The cybersecurity poverty line is a term that can help companies understand security gaps and build better awareness. Learn more about it and how it applies to your organization. Image: Peter Dazeley/The Image Bank/Getty Images. As a system administrator, cybersecurity has been especially prominent on my mind for the past year as my organization has exclusively engaged in remote work. I’m actually seriously considering a career transition into this field and speaking more with cybersecurity…

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UK Sports Teams Boycott Social Media

UK Sports Teams Boycott Social Media

Professional sports teams in the United Kingdom have stopped posting on social media in a bid to raise awareness of online abuse.  Soccer clubs including Birmingham City, Swansea City, and Rangers are taking part in a week-long boycott of all their social media platforms.  Swansea led the way, with the club’s official social media accounts falling silent at 17:00 on April 8. The club’s boycott has been supported and echoed by its staff and by the men…

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