5 minutes with Dr. David Brumley – Capture the Flag cybersecurity competitions and how to get started

5 minutes with Dr. David Brumley – Capture the Flag cybersecurity competitions and how to get started

5 minutes with Dr. David Brumley – Capture the Flag cybersecurity competitions and how to get started | 2020-10-30 | Security Magazine This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our…

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This Week in Security News: Trend Micro Researcher Uncover Two Espionage Backdoors Associated with Operation Earth Kitsune and Trickbot and Ransomware Attackers Plan Big Hit on U.S. Hospitals –

This Week in Security News: Trend Micro Researcher Uncover Two Espionage Backdoors Associated with Operation Earth Kitsune and Trickbot and Ransomware Attackers Plan Big Hit on U.S. Hospitals –

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, learn about how Trend Micro researchers uncovered two new espionage backdoors associated with the ‘Operation Earth Kitsune’ campaign. Also, read about how U.S. healthcare providers have been put on high alert over Trickbot malware and ransomware targeting the sector. Read on: Operation Earth Kitsune: A Dance of Two…

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CVE-2020-14882: Oracle WebLogic Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Exploited in the Wild

CVE-2020-14882: Oracle WebLogic Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Exploited in the Wild

A remote code execution vulnerability in Oracle WebLogic Server has been actively exploited in the wild just one week after a patch was released and one day after a proof of concept was published. Update October 30, 2020: The solutions section has been updated to reflect the disclosure of a potential bypass of the patch for CVE-2020-14882. Update November 2, 2020: The solutions section has been updated to reflect the release of a patch to…

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Catch the Most Sophisticated Attacks Without Slowing Down Your Users | McAfee Blogs

Catch the Most Sophisticated Attacks Without Slowing Down Your Users | McAfee Blogs

Most businesses cannot survive without being connected to the internet or the cloud. Websites and cloud services enable employees to communicate, collaborate, research, organize, archive, create, and be productive. Yet, the digital connection is also a threat. External attacks on cloud accounts increased by an astounding 630% in 2019. Ransomware and phishing remain major headaches for IT security teams, and as users and resources have migrated outside of the traditional network security perimeter, it’s become…

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With No Power Comes More Responsibility | McAfee Blogs

With No Power Comes More Responsibility | McAfee Blogs

You’ve more than likely heard the phrase “with great power comes great responsibility.” Alternatively called the “Peter Parker Principle” this phrase became well known in popular culture mostly due to Spider-Man comics and movies – where Peter Parker is the protagonist. The phrase is so well known today that it actually has its own article in Wikipedia. The gist of the phrase is that if you’ve been empowered to make a change for the better,…

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Helping Public Sector Organisations Define Cloud Strategy

Helping Public Sector Organisations Define Cloud Strategy

Introduction Cloud computing services have grown exponentially in recent years, in many cases they are the driving force behind industry 4.0, or the fourth industrial revolution, running Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), or the Internet of Things (IoT) powering smart homes and smart cities. High speed networks are enabling secure data sharing over […] Source link

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