Government Agencies Warn of State-Sponsored Actors Exploiting Publicly Known Vulnerabilities

Government Agencies Warn of State-Sponsored Actors Exploiting Publicly Known Vulnerabilities

State-sponsored actors from Russia and China are leveraging several of the same publicly known vulnerabilities in their attacks, all of which have patches available. On October 20, the National Security Agency (NSA) published a detailed security advisory to inform defenders about Chinese state-sponsored “cyber actors” exploiting known vulnerabilities. The advisory is meant to help network defenders prioritize patching and mitigation efforts and further specifies that internet-facing assets like remote access tools and external web services…

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Silicon Valley Company Tracks Threat of Foreign Election Interference

Silicon Valley Company Tracks Threat of Foreign Election Interference

One of the hotly debated topics of Thursday’s presidential debate had to do with Iran and Russia, after the FBI said that foreign operatives used stolen voter registration data to intimidate Democratic voters. Federal officials said the foreign operatives sent emails filled with disinformation to try to confuse and scare voters while posing as far-right extremists threatening to hurt Democratic voters if they didn’t vote for President Trump. In Silicon Valley, cyber security company Proofpoint…

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VMware Products released on October 22, 2020

VMware Products released on October 22, 2020

VMware vCenter Server 7.0U1a VMware Tanzu Toolkit for Kubernetes 1.1.0 VMware Horizon 7.10.3 Standard (ESB Release) VMware Horizon 7.10.3 Advanced (ESB Release) VMware Horizon 7.10.3 Enterprise (ESB Release) VMware Horizon 7.10.3 Enterprise Add-On VMware Horizon Apps Advanced 7.10.3 (ESB Release) VMware Horizon Apps Standard 7.10.3 (ESB Release) Source link

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This Week in Security News: Watering Hole Campaign Operation Earth Kitsune Spying on Users’ Systems and Fancy Bear Imposters Are on a Hacking Extortion Spree –

This Week in Security News: Watering Hole Campaign Operation Earth Kitsune Spying on Users’ Systems and Fancy Bear Imposters Are on a Hacking Extortion Spree –

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, learn about a watering hole campaign Trend Micro dubbed ‘Operation Earth Kitsune’ that is spying on users’ systems through compromised websites. Also, read about how APT groups are threatening DDoS attacks against victims if they don’t send them bitcoin. Read on: Fancy Bear Imposters Are on a…

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CVE-2020-27615: SQL Injection Vulnerability in WordPress Loginizer Plugin Affected Over One Million Sites

CVE-2020-27615: SQL Injection Vulnerability in WordPress Loginizer Plugin Affected Over One Million Sites

In a rare move, the WordPress Security Team forced a plugin update to over one million sites to address a vulnerability in a popular WordPress plugin used for brute force protection. Background On October 21, the developers of Loginizer, a popular WordPress plugin that offers protection against brute force attacks, published a blog post about a recent update to their plugin that addresses a severe vulnerability. The vulnerability was discovered and disclosed by a vulnerability…

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Affected by a Data Breach? 6 Security Steps You Should Take

Affected by a Data Breach? 6 Security Steps You Should Take

Five Tips to Secure Your Credit Card Data From This Recent Data Breach Users share their personal information with companies for multiple reasons. Whether they’re checking into a hotel room, using a credit card to make a purchase at their favorite food spot, or collecting rewards points at a local coffee shop, consumers give companies more access to data than they may realize. While this can help you build relationships with your favorite vendors, what…

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Docker Hub Image Retention Policy Delayed, Subscription Updates

Docker Hub Image Retention Policy Delayed, Subscription Updates

Today we are announcing that we are pausing enforcement of the changes to image retention until mid 2021. Two months ago, we announced a change to Docker image retention policies to reduce overall resource consumption. As originally stated, this change, which was set to take effect on November 1, 2020, would result in the deletion of images for free Docker account users after six months of inactivity. After this announcement, we heard feedback from many…

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Making a Difference: Global Payments

Making a Difference: Global Payments

  The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) recently announced the nomination period for the next PCI SSC Board of Advisors. The Board of Advisors represents PCI SSC Participating Organizations worldwide to ensure global industry involvement in the development of PCI Security Standards. As strategic partners, they bring industry, geographical and technical insight to PCI Council plans and projects. In this post, we talk with 2018 – 2020 PCI SSC Board of Advisor Member Stacy…

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University of Wollongong Reduces Cyber Risk with Tenable

University of Wollongong Reduces Cyber Risk with Tenable

Leading university saves valuable resources and detects vulnerabilities faster with The University of Wollongong (UOW), ranked in the top 50 Universities in the Asia-Pacific region[1], has chosen Tenable®, Inc. as its Cyber Exposure solutions provider to prioritise and remediate cyber risk across its domestic campuses.  UOW, known for its multidisciplinary approach to research, is located on the East Coast of Australia. The University has approximately 2500 employees and educates over 35,000 students across multiple…

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Is Video Conferencing Still A Security Risk to Your Business? |

Is Video Conferencing Still A Security Risk to Your Business? |

This year with COVID, the American worker is working differently –as well as shopping, being entertained, and living differently. Part of that difference very likely involves conducting meetings virtually, with video conference platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, GoTo Meeting, Blue Jeans, etc. With these changes, the question comes to mind: Are video conference platforms safe to use for your organization? The basic answer to the question is “yes”, however, there are several caveats…

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