Got a Microsoft Teams invite? Storm-2372 Gang Exploit Device Codes in Global Phishing Attacks

Got a Microsoft Teams invite? Storm-2372 Gang Exploit Device Codes in Global Phishing Attacks

Security experts have warned that a cybercriminal group has been running a malicious and inventive phishing campaign since August 2024 to break into organizations across Europe, North America, Africa, and the Middle East. The Russian group, known as Storm-2372, has targeted government and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), as well as firms working in IT, defence, telecoms, health, and the energy sector. What makes the campaign particularly notable is the way that it attempts to lure unsuspecting…

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Monitoring Applications vs. Operating Systems: Why It Matters

Monitoring Applications vs. Operating Systems: Why It Matters

In today’s dynamic IT environments, securing and maintaining the integrity of your systems is critical. Fortra’s Tripwire Enterprise is a robust tool designed to help organizations ensure compliance and security by continuously monitoring the configuration and behavior of their IT assets. When deploying Tripwire, a common question arises: should you prioritize monitoring applications, operating systems, or both? In order to help you answer this question, I will unpack the distinctions between monitoring applications and operating…

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New Mac Malware Poses as Browser Updates

New Mac Malware Poses as Browser Updates

A new macOS malware called FrigidStealer is spreading through fake browser update alerts, allowing attackers to steal sensitive data, according to research from Proofpoint. This sophisticated campaign, embedded in legitimate sites, tricks users into bypassing macOS security measures. Once installed, the malware extracts browser cookies, stored passwords, cryptocurrency-related files, and Apple Notes – potentially exposing both personal and enterprise data. Two newly identified threat actors operate parts of these web-inject campaigns: TA2726, which may act…

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Zacks Investment Research Breach Hits 12 Million

Zacks Investment Research Breach Hits 12 Million

A leading stock research and analysis firm appears to have been breached for the third time in just four years, with details from 12 million accounts published on the dark web. Published on BreachForums at the end of last month by a user with the moniker “Jurak,” the trove dates from an incident in June 2024, according to breach notification site, HaveIBeenPwned. “The 2024 breach included 12 million unique email addresses along with IP and…

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The Change Healthcare breach: What changed, what didn’t, and what must

The Change Healthcare breach: What changed, what didn’t, and what must

The 2024 Change Healthcare breach marked a turning point for the healthcare industry. It exposed critical vulnerabilities in current data governance and security practices, underscoring that no organization — regardless of size or resources — is immune to cyber threats. A year later, it’s clear that while some progress has been made, there is still much to be done to protect patient data and ensure continuity of care. Lessons learned from the breach The breach…

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Why the CIO role should be split in two

Why the CIO role should be split in two

This ‘hybrid’ architecture is a combination of best and bad practice. When there is an outage, the new digital platforms can invariably be restored to recover business process support. But because they do not operate in isolation, instead connecting with legacy technologies, business operations themselves may not fully recover if the legacy systems continue to be impacted by the outage. For most enterprises stuck in this hybrid state, the way forward is to be more…

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“뉴욕타임즈, AI 시대 변화 선언··· 기자 업무에 AI 전면 도입” 세마포

“뉴욕타임즈, AI 시대 변화 선언··· 기자 업무에 AI 전면 도입” 세마포

미 언론사 세마포(Semafor)의 내부 소식통을 인용한 18일 보도에 따르면, 뉴욕타임즈는 자사 제품 및 편집진을 위한 인공지능 도구 도입을 전면 승인했다. 편집국 직원에게 AI 교육을 시작하고, ‘에코(Echo)’라는 사내 AI 도구를 개발해 지원하기 시작했으며, AI 사용에 대한 편집 지침과 허용되는 AI 제품 목록도 공유했다. 뉴욕타임즈는 기자들에게 AI를 활용한 SEO 최적화 헤드라인 생성, 기사 요약 및 독자 대상 프로모션 문구 작성, 편집 제안 및 문장 개선, 인터뷰 질문 및 아이디어 브레인스토밍, 연구 자료 분석, 내부 문서 및 이미지…

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‘갈수록 복잡해지는 여건’··· CISO들이 전하는 공급망 리스크 완화법

‘갈수록 복잡해지는 여건’··· CISO들이 전하는 공급망 리스크 완화법

포드는 새로운 현실에서 보안 책임자가 지역의 날씨부터 사회정치적 변화, 그리고 비즈니스, 고객, 공급업체에 영향을 미치는 법률이나 법적 결정의 발표에 이르기까지 모든 것을 이해해야 한다고 말했다. 포드는 “CISO에겐 다양한 관점이 필요하다. CISO는 운영, 법률, 프라이버시 보호, 규정 준수에 대한 논의와 통찰력을 통해 먼저 열거하고, 그 다음에야 지역 사건이 비즈니스에 미치는 영향을 이해할 수 있다”라고 언급했다. 사이버보안 책임자가 참고할 만한 리스크 완화 방법 4가지를 소개한다. 리스크와 노출 이해하기 포드에 따르면 사이버 분야는 결국 인벤토리에서 시작되며, 글로벌 공급망…

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Cyber incident response in 2025: Rising risks and dynamic challenges

Cyber incident response in 2025: Rising risks and dynamic challenges

For organizations affected by cyber incidents, effective response strategies have become essential for reducing potential damage and restoring operations. An analysis of data breaches in 2024 revealed that while the number of data breaches only increased incrementally, the breaches were more severe in terms of the quantity of personally identifiable information (PII) that was exposed.  Incident response (IR) teams play a crucial role in identifying the scope of an incident, determining what data was compromised,…

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Come costruire un team di successo e vincere la battaglia per i talenti

Come costruire un team di successo e vincere la battaglia per i talenti

L’esperto ribadisce l’importanza di promuovere una cultura della responsabilità, in cui ogni membro si senta coinvolto nel successo del progetto e della strategia aziendale, ponendo particolare attenzione alla motivazione del team. “Affinché sia produttiva e innovativa la funzione IT deve condividere una visione chiara e in linea con gli obiettivi aziendali. In questo senso, un CIO efficace deve allineare le proprie risorse sulla mission di team in modo che ognuno ne comprenda il valore e…

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