Makro transforma su gestión de recursos humanos gracias a la RPA

Makro transforma su gestión de recursos humanos gracias a la RPA

Makro, conocido distribuidor mayorista del mercado español, se suma a la transformación digital de sus procesos internos tecnología mediante. En esta ocasión, la organización ha apostado por optimizar y eficientar sus operaciones en la división de Recursos Humanos (RR.HH) con el fin de que el personal en plantilla pueda dedicar su tiempo a tareas de mayor valor añadido. En concreto, la compañía ha transformado su gestión de RR.HH gracias a la implementación de RPA (automatización…

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Diversity Can Be a Powerful Tool in Combating Increasing Cybersecurity

Diversity Can Be a Powerful Tool in Combating Increasing Cybersecurity

The issue of diversity in the cybersecurity sector has been present since the early days of IT companies. The public perception of a cybersecurity professional carries with it a specific image of the kind of person who works in IT and cybersecurity, and many minority groups—including women, people of color and ethnic minorities, and disabled and neurodivergent people—are heavily underrepresented in the workforce. Diversity in the cyber workforce is more than just a social issue….

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Security Threats Facing LLM Applications and 5 Ways to Mitigate Them

Security Threats Facing LLM Applications and 5 Ways to Mitigate Them

What Are LLM Applications? Large Language Models (LLMs) are AI systems trained on vast textual data to understand and generate human-like text. These models, such as OpenAI’s Chat GPT-4 and Anthropic Claude, leverage their wide-ranging language input to perform various tasks, making them versatile tools in the tech world. By processing extensive datasets, LLMs can predict subsequent word sequences in text, enabling them to craft coherent and contextually relevant responses. LLM applications have emerged in numerous fields,…

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Cyber-Safe Shopping: Protect Yourself from Holiday Scams and Cyber Threats

Cyber-Safe Shopping: Protect Yourself from Holiday Scams and Cyber Threats

The holiday shopping season is here, and while it brings excitement and joy, it also opens opportunities for cybercriminals to exploit unsuspecting shoppers. With more people buying gifts online and taking advantage of holiday deals, the risk of falling victim to cyberattacks increases. Whether you’re shopping from your desktop, mobile device, or in-store, it’s essential to be aware of common threats and take steps to protect yourself. Here’s a guide on how to stay safe…

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Bologna FC Hit By 200GB Data Theft and Ransom Demand

Bologna FC Hit By 200GB Data Theft and Ransom Demand

One of Italy’s oldest football clubs has become the latest victim of a ransomware attack involving data theft, it has revealed. Bologna FC, which was one of the founding members of Serie A, shared the news in a brief statement on Friday. “Bologna FC 1909 S.p.a. would like to communicate that a ransomware cyber-attack recently targeted its internal security systems,” it noted. “The crime resulted in the theft of company data which may appear online….

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Mitigating fraud, theft and scam risks within financial institutions

Mitigating fraud, theft and scam risks within financial institutions

Banks and other financial institutions have a myriad of security risks to manage. Cyber threats and physical threats alike are valid concerns for financial institutions, giving security leaders in this sector many risks to mitigate.  Here, we talk with Tracey Santor, Assistant Vice President for Financial Institutions at Travelers, about handing these risks.  Security magazine: Tell us about your title and background: Santor: I am the product manager for Financial Institution Bonds, Kidnap and Ransom…

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Global Police Arrest 5500 in $400m Cyber-Fraud Crackdown

Global Police Arrest 5500 in 0m Cyber-Fraud Crackdown

Over 5500 individuals have been arrested in a major international policing operation designed to disrupt cyber-enabled fraud. Between July and November 2024, Interpol coordinated Operation Haechi V, which involved law enforcers from over 40 countries and territories. It resulted in the seizure of more than $400m in virtual assets and government-backed currencies, most likely obtained via voice phishing, romance scams, online sextortion, investment fraud, illegal online gambling, business email compromise (BEC) and e-commerce fraud, Interpol…

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¿Somos peores en computación en la nube que hace diez años?

¿Somos peores en computación en la nube que hace diez años?

¿Soy solo yo o estamos viendo más fracasos en proyectos de la nube hoy que hace diez años? La lógica sugiere que mejoramos con el tiempo, pero las métricas no respaldan esa suposición. Hace una década, un proyecto en la nube implicaba normalmente la migración de algunos programas y sistemas de prueba. Ahora, los sistemas involucrados son mucho más complejos, con muchas más partes móviles que afectan a múltiples o todos los aspectos de las…

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일문일답 | 페덱스를 디지털 강자로 만든 CIO 롭 카터의 25년 리더십

일문일답 | 페덱스를 디지털 강자로 만든 CIO 롭 카터의 25년 리더십

카터: 그날의 대화는 정말 훌륭했다. 시스코(Cisco)의 산체스와 퀄컴(Qualcomm)의 CIO를 비롯해 참석자 명단을 살펴보니 학습과 존경이 주제였다. 나는 모든 것을 알 수 없으며, 각자 다른 상황과 경험을 가진 이들, 시스코처럼 세상을 다르게 바라보는 이들이 있다는 점을 인식하는 것이 중요하다. 핵심은 적응력을 갖추는 것이며, 지나치게 경직되어서는 안 된다. 때로는 예상치 못한 인물에게서도 배움을 얻을 수 있다. 빌 클린턴의 정치적 성향에는 동의하지 않지만, 포춘 행사에서 연사로 나선 클린턴을 만난 경험이 있다. 아내와 함께 저녁 식사를 위해 엘리베이터를 기다리다가…

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“청소년 성장 저해 우려”···호주, 소셜미디어 가입 연령 16세 제한 법안 통과

“청소년 성장 저해 우려”···호주, 소셜미디어 가입 연령 16세 제한 법안 통과

이 법안은 소셜 미디어 플랫폼이 16세 미만 호주인의 계정 생성을 금지하도록 규정한다. 1년간의 유예 기간을 거쳐 시행되며, 이 기간 동안 소셜 미디어 기업들은 미성년자의 계정 생성을 차단하는 기술적 조치를 마련해야 한다. 위반 시 최대 4,950만 달러의 벌금이 부과되며, 규정 위반에 대한 책임은 플랫폼에 있다. 법안은 스냅챗, 틱톡, 페이스북, 인스타그램, X 등에 적용되나 유튜브는 제외됐다. 알바니즈 총리 정부는 소셜미디어가 청소년 성장에 악영향을 미치고 있다며, 이번 법안이 부모 지원과 청소년 보호를 위한 공약의 일환이라고 설명했다. 안소니 알바니즈…

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