CiscoChat: Empower IT success with cloud-native operations – Cisco Blogs

Connectivity Complexities

As technology advances, businesses will connect more applications, devices, and people via the cloud than ever before. With more connection comes increased failure domains and complexity realms.

#CiscoChat Live Broadcast

To learn more about what makes cloud adoption successful in today’s world, join us for our next #CiscoChat.

In our live conversation, Todd Brannon speaks with Matthew Ferguson and Stephen Augustus from Cisco Emerging Tech & Incubation to explore what exactly cloud-native means for your organization, the strategies and tools for managing complexity beyond human scale, and how to enforce IT governance, policies, and security for cloud-native operations.

Mark your calendars for February 3, 2022, at 10:00 am PT.

You can join our live broadcast on the following channels.

You can also visit our Facebook page to create a reminder and submit your questions.





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