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CME – How to collect Debug Logs
CME – How to collect Debug Logs
====================> How to enable Voice call Debug Filtering
Voice call debug Filtering
First configure the filter using “call filter match-list <tag> voice” and then
use the filter as a debug condition using “debug condition match-list <tag>
call filter match-list <tag> voice
incoming calling-number <pattern>
incoming called-number <pattern>
incoming dialpeer <tag>
incoming media local ipv4 <ip address>
incoming media remote ipv4 <ip address>
incoming port
incoming signaling local ipv4 <ip address>
incoming signaling remote ipv4 <ip address>
incoming secondary-called-number <pattern>
incoming uri <pattern>
outcoming calling-number <pattern>
outcoming called-number <pattern>
outcoming dialpeer <tag>
outcoming media local ipv4 <ip address>
outcoming media remote ipv4 <ip address>
outcoming port
outcoming signaling local ipv4 <ip address>
outcoming signaling remote ipv4 <ip address>
outcoming secondary-called-number
debug condition match-list <call filter tag>
===================> CME – How to collect debugs in SYSLOG Server
Collecting debugs in Syslog server
Router#configuration terminal
Router(config)#no logging console
Router(config)#ntp update-calendar
Router(config)#ntp server <IP Address of NTP Server>
Router(config)#service timestamps log datetime msec
Router(config)#logging <Hostname or IP Address of SYSLOG server>
Note: NTP configuration is required when the problem involves multiple gateways.
=========================> Collect debug logs in Router Logging
Collecting debugs in Router logging buffer
Router#configuration terminal
Router(config)#no logging console
Router(config)#ntp update-calendar
Router(config)#ntp server <IP Address of NTP Server>
Router(config)#service timestamps debug datetime msec
Router(config)#logging buffered <buffer size> debugging
Router(config)#service sequence
Router(config)#no logging rate-limit
Note: NTP configuration is required when the problem involves multiple gateways.
=========> CME – SCCP-MWI
Show version
Show run
Basic Debugs
debug ephone mwi
debug ephone detail
debug ephone error
debug ephone state
Advanced Debugs
debug ephone raw –> SCCP Messages
=======> CME – SCCP – MOH
Show version
Show run
Show ip mroute
Show ip mroute active
Show ip mroute count
Show ip pim interface
Basic Debugs
debug ephone moh
debug voip ccapi inout
Enable appropriate SIP/H.323 debugs.
CME SIP Troubelshooting
=========> CME SIP Registration Issues
Show version
Show run
Show sip-ua status registrar
Show voice register global
Show voice register tftp-bind
Basic debugs
debug voice register events
debug voice register errors
debug ccsip messages
debug ccsip info
debug ccsip events
debug tftp events
debug ip dhcp
Advanced Debugs
debug ccsip all
========> Call SIP Routing
Show voice register dial-peers
Show sip-ua status registrar
Basic debugs
debug ccsip messages
debug ccsip info
debug ccsip error
debug ccsip state
debug voip ccapi inout
(if SCCP phones are involved in the call flow)
debug ephone detail [mac-address]
=============> CME SIP – Presence
show presence global
show presence subscription summary
Basic Debugs
debug presence xml
debug presence events
debug presence error
debug ccsip message
Advanced Debugs
debug ccsip all
debug presence all
=========> CME- Secured Signaling Registration – Skinny
Show version
Show run
Show crypto pki server
Show capf-server summary
Show capf-server auth-string
Show capf-server sessions
Show ctl-client
Show credentials
Show telephony-service security-info
Basic Debugs
debug capf-server all
debug ctl-client
debug ephone register mac-address [mac-address]
debug tftp-events
=======> Transcoding [ Registration / Call Routing ]
Show version
Show run
show sccp
show sccp connections [internal | detail | summary]
show sccp ccm group [id]
show dspfarm profile
show dspfarm dsp [active | all | idle]
show rtpspi statistics
show rtpspi calls
show media resource status
show voice dsp detailed
Basic Debugs
debug ephone detail
debug voip ccapi inout
debug voip vtsp events
debug voip vtsp session
debug dspfarm errors
debug dspfarm events
Advanced Debugs
debug voip vtsp all
debug voip dsmp all
debug dspfarm all
=====> Video – H323/Skinny
Show version
Show run
Show ephone registered
Show call active video brief
Show call history video
Show voip rtp connection
Basic debugs
debug ephone video
debug voip ccapi inout
debug h225 asn1
debug h245 asn1
debug h225 event
debug h245 event
debug h225 q931
debug cch323 video
Advanced Debugs
debug ephone detail
debug cch323 all
debug voip dsmp all
debug voip application all