Data and gen AI: Keys to Air Europa’s digital strategy

“We’ll do this in a progressive way, involving key people within the organization to be in charge of evangelizing and tutoring other users in their departments on these technologies, always relying on use cases and with a very practical approach,” he says. They’re also developing other important initiatives, such as a new virtual assistant that’ll be integrated into the call center and online channels, and others focusing on content creation, interpretation of aeronautical codes and nomenclature, and personalizing trips and experiences.

All of this is being implemented, Bermejo points out, in a safe, ethical, transparent, and efficient manner. “So we must, in turn, monitor its use through different KPIs,” he says.

Maturity and cultural change

In order to explore different use cases around new technologies, it’s necessary to undertake a change in corporate mentality. “Nowadays, no one disputes that data has become a key resource for competitiveness, innovation, and value generation,” says Bermejo. “However, not all companies and public administrations have been able to adapt to this new reality. There’s a big difference between sectors and organizations in terms of the level of maturity of their strategies. Some have opted for digital transformation and data as an essential asset, integrating it into their culture, processes and services. Others, however, are still in the initial stages or haven’t yet defined a clear vision.”

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