Envisioning more Partner Value with ThousandEyes, Now All In with the Channel – Cisco Blogs

Legendary management consultant and author Peter Drucker is known for the truism: “you can’t manage what you can’t measure.” And to measure anything, one needs to have the right tools and visibility into what can impact an organization – especially in areas that may be out of its control.

For many businesses today, success depends on delivering exceptional digital experiences to both customers and employees over networks they neither control nor own. In a cloud-first world, these companies must overcome ‘Internet blind spots’ to successfully measure and manage a variety of digital experiences.

In this new world, visibility – knowing where, when and how digital experiences are impacted – is fundamental. This requires visibility into every aspect that can impact an application’s experience – the application itself, the Internet, the cloud, and the countless internal and external networks every application runs on. Our partners hear it from our customers: “Give us simple tools to see where there are issues so that we can respond quickly to fix them.”

All in on Channel

Today, we’re helping our partners further deliver on their commitment to customers by announcing that Cisco ThousandEyes is moving to a full channel sales model. I’m thrilled about this and the work our teams are doing to support partners’ needs in adding this capability to their Cisco portfolio. Delivered as a SaaS solution, ThousandEyes is another important Cisco component in driving more subscription-based annual recurring revenues – an important shift we know is just good business for our partners’ bottom line.

Cisco purchased ThousandEyes two years ago. With a set of simple solutions to visually present networks and apps impacted by outages and issues, the company has grown at an astounding pace by helping companies adapt to the challenges of a managing a distributed workforce, migrating to hybrid cloud and adopting app security at the edge. And now these capabilities are available to all Cisco partners.

The partner opportunity is immense

The growth of cloud-based enterprise application software continues to accelerate. In fact, Gartner® estimates [1] cloud revenues of $474 billion in 2022. This unprecedented growth and migration to cloud is reflected among the needs of our customers who require visibility into SaaS and cloud environments. We see this as a critical capability for our customers and are committed to helping our partners win a significant share of the opportunity.

For businesses that depend on networks and apps, visibility into the digital experience is a critical measure that allows for holistic management. The visibility offered by ThousandEyes is one aspect of this that we believe is of great value to our partners and customers.

Drucker’s logic held true then and holds true today.

Join us at Partner Connection

There’s much more to share on how you can find value from ThousandEyes—please join me at ThousandEyes Partner Connection, our virtual global event where leaders from Cisco’s Partner Sales team will join leaders from ThousandEyes to walk through the tools, incentives and opportunities available to partners to drive profitability through better visibility.



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[1] Gartner Press Release, “Gartner Says Cloud Will Be the Centerpiece of New Digital Experiences,” November 10, 2021. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.


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