Faultless with serverless: Cloud best practices for optimized returns

1. Separation of concerns 

The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) is an essential rule to ensure the modularity and scalability of serverless computing. According to the rule, functions should be small, stateless, and have only one primary reason to modify. Stateless functions can easily scale up or down based on demand without any overheads of managing the state.

For example, in e-commerce applications, separate, small, dedicated functions for every task such as inventory management, order processing, invoicing, etc., optimize the overall performance. 

Likewise, a social media platform could have separate functions to handle user authentication, content moderation, and push notifications. Each function should handle a specific task or domain, such as user authentication, data processing, or notification services. 

The application design principle promotes modularity and enables combining modules to build complex applications. Thus, organizations can create flexible and resilient serverless architectures. This approach ensures that functions remain focused and independent, reducing coupling and complex dependencies. Modular functions can be easily reused across different application parts, increasing code reuse and consistency. 

Effective cost management is one of the best reasons to opt for serverless computing. Enterprises love its pay-per-use billing model; however, it can be a concern if it is not monitored aptly. 

Serverless functions are vulnerable to excessive consumption due to sudden spikes in data volume. Therefore, using cost-saving tools like timeouts and throttling in a real-time data processing pipeline makes sense. 

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