Focaccia, Pizza, and Cloud from a VC Perspective – VMware Cloud Blog

What goes better together than focaccia, pizza, and old friends? For VMworld this year, I hosted three legends of VMware at my house in San Jose for an exciting, food-filled discussion on all things past and future about the company and cloud. Watch it here.

If you weren’t around at the early
stages of the company, here’s a recap of the contributions from this group:

  • Steve Herrod worked on the original PHD research for VMware, and became our first CTO. Many of you remember his epic keynotes at VMworld. He’s now a managing director at General Catalyst.
  • Bogomil Balkansky ran product management and product marketing for vSphere, now at Sequoia Capital.
  • Jerry Chen started as an intern and worked his way through the ranks to lead the 1.0 releases for VDI, cloud and app platform, and several open-source projects. Now at Greylock Partners.

We cover a wide range of topics in
this discussion. I’ll give you a few highlights, but you’ll have to watch to
hear all the insight and anecdotes from VMware’s history. We cover:

  • What
    VCs are looking for in cloud technologies today
  • How
    they evaluate great companies, and more specifically great teams
  • Classic
    stories from VMworld. Some vintage clips from the stage and of course, stories
    about Raghu
  • My
    demo on cooking REAL Italian-style pizza
  • Where
    they are looking next for innovation and talent

Enjoy the history, future, and Italian cooking! See you at next year’s VMworld.

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