Get Involved with Docker – Docker Blog
Every day, hundreds of passionate Docker users around the world contribute to Docker. Whether you are just getting started or are an expert in your field, there are many ways to get involved and start contributing to Docker. If you’re into technical writing, you can easily publish and/or edit articles in If you’re more into code contribution, there are dozens of open source Docker projects you can dive into. Or if you’re just interested in sharing knowledge and spreading Docker goodness, you can organize a local meetup or a virtual workshop on our community events page.
There are literally countless ways one can contribute to Docker. This makes it sometimes a bit difficult to find the right project or activity that maps to your interests and level of Docker expertise. That’s why we’ve been working to make it easier for anyone to learn more about ways to contribute and find the right project or activity. To this end, we created a community-driven website that aims to make it easier than ever to navigate the many different contribution opportunities that exist at Docker, and ultimately, to find the right contribution pathway to get started.
The website is entirely built on top of GitHub, is editable by the community and is organized into six distinct sections, from technical to non-technical contributions.
We also put emphasis on “community events” which are central in our efforts to engage more contributors. You’ll find lots of tools and resources that will be continuously updated, including event handbooks. These handbooks are specifically designed with step-by-step guidance on how to run a workshop with a full list of topics to cover, e.g. “Docker for Node.JS developers” workshop. Again, the website is entirely editable by anyone with a GitHub account so if you have content to share, a bug to flag or a recommendation to make, just make a pull request.
This is an experimental website: we’re still building out sections and figuring out the right format and structure. We look forward to seeing it evolve and improve over time with the contributions from the community to become a very useful resource for the Docker community.
A *huge* hat tip to Docker Captain Ajeet Raina for driving this initiative forward!
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