How to Make the Best Out of A Day for Me at Cisco

This post was authored by Ruffina Perlintina, a recent technical consulting engineering intern on the Enterprise Networking TAC Team.

Who doesn’t enjoy an extended weekend?

Yes, work is fun, keeps us interested and on our toes, but as humans, we all need breaks. One such break I experienced as an intern at Cisco was the Day For Me!

It was the first time I had come across such a thing, and it was truly something I’d never heard of. On a recent Monday, most of my friends from other companies were working. However, I took the opportunity to spontaneously go on a small weekend getaway to the beach city of Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu, India.

It was a 6-hour journey by car, 345 km away from my hometown, Salem. I listened to music along the journey as the scenic views of the cotton-like clouds, bluish-grey lakes, brown hills, and green mountains mesmerized me. As poetic and exaggerative as it sounds, nature did do a number on me, leaving me with the curiosity to explore more, but the scorching heat of the sun kept me from leaving the car.

In Chennai, I got to meet a childhood friend I hadn’t seen in a very long time, go on a shopping spree, enjoy some games at the play zone, take a stroll along the beautiful glistening waters of the beaches at night, and even try out the delicious and mouth-watering South Indian seafood cuisine. Oh, and did I mention? I also took some beautiful pictures for my Instagram.

Drinking cup after cup of filter coffee, eating some tirunelveli halwa (an Indian sweet), sipping on a strong glass of cardamom tea, and savouring some fresh mangoes, I knew those flavours were going to be remembered for a lifetime and will take me back to Tamil Nadu soon.

The best part is that I was able to wind down without having to rush back to anything. That’s because one of the biggest benefits of the Day for Me is that everyone at Cisco enjoys the same day off each quarter. So, no one returns to an inbox full of unanswered emails or Webex messages to catch up on. We all start the week fresh and refreshed together.

My Key Takeaways

A Day for Me Needn’t Be Extravagant.

We needn’t make a perfectly pre-planned and structured trip or getaway. It can simply be spending a day doing what we enjoy the most, be it painting, watching a movie, or simply doing nothing. Take a day to turn off all devices, shut down the outside noises, and tune into a quieter, slower life.

It’s the Small Things That Count.

It isn’t about the expensive business class ticket or the hotel suite, but the moments and the memories, like looking outside a cafe with a beautiful view, reading a book when it rains, sitting around watching your favourite show with loved ones, or jogging on an empty pathway with earphones in that really counts.

Slow Down, and Be Grateful.

Cisco Bangalore campus.

We tend to get caught up in a competitive cycle of either stepping up a hierarchy or targeting to make more money so often that we forget how necessary it is to slow down, pause, look around, cherish what we have right now, and be grateful about it. It isn’t the goal but the progress and journey we should focus on.

With Cisco, I’ve had this chance to rediscover my long-lost skill and love for writing. The opportunities I get to put myself out there are numerous. It’s been 5 months here, the 6th running, and I wouldn’t change a thing. There is so much to learn from so many inspiring people in and around my department, across the globe, and as I embark on this beautiful pathway, I will always come back to my days as an intern and how it all began.

As Cisco employees, we all have first-hand experience with the perfect work-life balance, flexibility, and well-being prioritization. To make the best out of it lies in our hands. Although I had heard so much about Cisco’s commitment to its employees before starting, I was able to truly cherish every moment of it throughout this internship. And honestly, I can’t wait for my full-time role to begin to explore more as a Cisco TAC Engineer and enjoy more Days for Me!

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