Hyperscalers place big bets on AI as cloud spending rolls on

“Commercializing new technologies doesn’t happen overnight,” said Alex Smith, vice president at Canalys. “The future of cloud computing remains bright. In the face of transformative tools like AI, major vendors will invest for fear of being left behind. AI relies on massive-scale processing and storage capacity, and hyperscalers expect AI-based services to become the next compelling reason for customers to move to the cloud.”

In addition to launching new AI products and solutions, hyperscalers are ramping up efforts to strengthen their AI partner ecosystems. This quarter, major vendors are placing a special emphasis on fostering AI startups. Notable initiatives include AWS’s Generative AI Accelerator and Google Cloud’s Google for Startups Accelerator, both aimed at attracting AI startups and driving innovation within the industry.

“Startups bring fresh perspectives, agility, and specialized expertise, providing hyperscalers with opportunities to tap into emerging markets, address technology gaps, and acquire new talent,” said Yi Zhang, an analyst at the firm. “By backing startups, hyperscalers ensure that even the smallest companies can contribute to and benefit from rapid advances in AI technology, ultimately driving growth, strengthening their ecosystems, and maintaining their competitive advantage in the industry.”

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