IDC Foundry India CIO Summit 2024: How CIOs Are Transitioning into the AI Era

Suresh M Khadakbhavi, CEO, Digi Yatra Foundation will talk about our ponderous AI journey in his session, The Future of Digital Identity and AI, discussing on digital Identity and AI’s implications on the same.

For CIO delegates’ peer to peer learnings, there would be best practice presentations delivered by industry stalwarts at the top of their field, Rajiv Gupta, President, Policy Bazar; Sujoy Chakrabortty, General Manager, Strategy & Technology, Adani Ports & SEZ, and Gaurav Kataria, Vice President Digital (Manufacturing) and CDIO, PSPD, ITC Limited

Chandra Kishore Prasad, Executive Director, RailTel will talk on Kavach for Digital Railway: Revolutionizing Safety and Efficiency in Indian Railways

The ‘For the CIO – By the CIO’ panels will encompass sharing of perspectives and exchange of ideas by CIOs and CDOs, on topics including Adaptability and Usability of AI Tools and Time to Prioritise: Top 5 CIO Priorities. Key panellists include Ankit Bose, Head, NASSCOM AI; Mitali Biswas, CIO, CK Birla Hospitals, Jayant Gupta,ED – IS, HPCL; Neelima Sharma, CDO, ESL Steel Limited, Vedanta; Sudip Mazumder, CDIO, PGP GLass

More sessions you shouldn’t miss:

  • Digital-First Strategies: Navigating the Evolution of the Digital Business
  • Navigating the Path to Intelligent Enterprise
  • Blueprints for Future CIOs: Building the Next Generation
  • AI in the Age of Generative Intelligence
  • Embracing the Mainstream Shift: The Era of App Modernization
  • New Ways of Thinking: The Rise of the Cloud Native Enterprise
  • AI-first Strategies for the Digitally-Determined Enterprise
  • Revolutionizing Engagement: Omni-Experience Digital Transformation
  • The Rise of Cyber Vulnerabilities with Digital Dependencies
  • Innovative Approaches to Vendor Selection, Skills, Assessment & Management

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