Introducing: Google Cloud VMware Engine Quick Start Demo Series

We are excited to announce the debut of the Google Cloud VMware Engine Quick Start activity path on VMware Cloud Tech Zone. This activity path is an assortment of videos demonstrating many of the common tasks and advanced use cases of Google Cloud VMware Engine.

Deploy and Configure

The learning journey starts in the Deploy & Configure module, where the audience is shown an overview of the VMware Engine Portal, deploying a private cloud, and VPC peering to a Google Cloud project.

From there, the series advances into deeper technical concepts such as creating NSX network segments, configuring DNS, implementing Microsoft Active Directory integrations, and even deploying virtual machines from the content library.

VMware SRM on Google Cloud VMware Engine

Finally, the Disaster Recovery module guides viewers through a five-part video series about VMware Site Recovery Manager within Google Cloud VMware Engine. These videos show everything from the initial deployment and configuration to disaster recovery plan testing and workload migration.


VMware Cloud Tech Zone is an excellent resource for learning many of the Google Cloud VMware Engine common tasks, use cases, and technical topics. We invite you to check back regularly for any new videos and resources that will be added later.

For more information about Google Cloud VMware Engine, please visit Google Cloud VMware Engine Quick Start.

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