It’s All About You: McAfee’s New All-Consumer Focus

This week, McAfee took an exciting new step in our journey—we are now a pure-play consumer company. What does that mean for consumers? It means that McAfee will be able to focus 100% of our talent and expertise on innovation and development that directly enables and improves the products and services that protect you and your family. 

It’s the right time to take that step. Today, we use technology in every aspect of our lives, from education to recreation and entertainment to transportation. We have connected devices in our cars, in our pockets, and in our houses. In fact, the average U.S. household has 25 connected devices, and this number will continue to grow as more connected devices hit the market.  We are also on the precipice of new connectivity technology, such as 5G, that will enable devices to access larger amounts of data, faster, and from more places. 

All this technology makes our lives easier and more enriching in some way, whether it’s the ability to do our banking online or ordering groceries online or even having a consultation with our physician online. Our behaviors have changed during the past sixteen months and our need for online protection has changed with the times.  

Our online world is rapidly evolving, and as McAfee’s Chief Technology Officer, part of my job is to ensure that you and your family can use the latest, cutting-edge technology with the confidence and peace of mind that you are protected.  

The technology required to defend consumers against the latest threats requires new levels of sophistication. It’s important that we don’t confuse sophistication with complexity. Part of my mission for McAfee is to package the world’s most effective, highly sophisticated cybersecurity technology in a form that is accessible, usable, and consumable by everyday users—people and their families 

So as McAfee places its entire focus on consumers, what that really means is that now the focus is on you. Your life online, and the ways you use it to run your home, keep tabs on your finances, split dinner with friends, chat with your children’s teachers, and binge on your favorite shows over a rainy weekend. More than that, we’re here to protect you, because you are at the center of all these things and more. Our aim is to bring you breakthrough advances in online protection so that you can freely enjoy life online. And everyone here at McAfee is looking forward to bringing them to you. 

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