Lights!.. Camera!.. Catch “APIs in Action” at DevNet Create

I don’t know about you, but since the start of the pandemic, I’ve been glued to my streaming services. I had my early months of watching “Contagion;” went through my phase of watching and re-watching “Avatar the Last Airbender;” and made my way through countless sci-fi flicks. Now I am hooked on getting previews into what’s coming out next. From trailers for the new Spiderman movie and the prequel of Game of Thrones (let’s hope for the best) to first impressions of the new Dune movie, I now have an appetite for trailers, teasers, and spoiler alerts.

The excitement comes from seeing the “new new.” That’s because knowing about the latest – the things that are cutting edge or never-before-seen – is a sneak peek on the future. And for a former journalist like me, there’s nothing like getting the news first.

This is just one of many reasons why I love DevNet Create – the free, global, virtual event taking place October 19-21. It’s like a movie trailer for cool technologies and developer trends. DevNet Create gives you news and reviews of what’s happening, what’s to come, and most importantly how you can build and create new innovations. Many of those innovations, new products, and new technologies will be presented in sessions on the “APIs in Action” channel. One of four channels to watch this year at DevNet Create.

DevNet’s own Smita Upadhya and I are acting as guides for viewers of the APIs in Action channel. We invite you to:

  1. register for DevNet Create
  2. pick the sessions you want to attend for the full agenda
  3. be ready to dive in

This year, the APIs in Action channel will be filled with demos, new technology overviews, and insights into many of the new tools, creations, and trainings that can help you stay at the forefront of innovation.

Far from a spoiler-free zone, DevNet Create is for anyone looking for that peek into all the cool things/ideas/solutions/tools now available and soon to come from Cisco.

Learn about the latest Cisco APIs and Technologies

DevNet Create is a unique event at Cisco. Aimed at developers and automation engineers, it is produced for a global audience utilizing a follow-the-sun schedule. The theme for this year’s event is “APIs, Apps, and Action.” It’s all about connecting you with the latest and greatest tools and tech you need to build, invent, and create. What’s more: you’ll be hearing straight from the engineering teams building and crafting these technologies. It’s the ultimate sneak peek.

This year’s APIs in Action channel is filled with a number of great sessions designed to inform and inspire. For each topic, DevNet has associated learning labs, sandboxes, and code samples to help you pursue your interests and build skills after the event. DevNet Create and the APIs in Action channel is not just an event – it’s an invitation to innovate.

Topics you can dive into on the APIs in Action channel

  • Machine Learning
  • Cisco and Cloud Native
  • Meraki
  • Webex and Collaboration apps
  • Network Engineers running production apps on Kubernetes
  • Smartsheet API and Cisco ACI
  • APIClarity
  • Automating AWS Security using SecureX
  • AppDynamics
  • Scaling visibility in the IoT Space

My personal favorite is on Day 1: Oren Brigg’s “Making ice cream with Vanilla ISE” – word to your DevOps engineer! Find the full conference agenda here.

And for those of you looking to get started on some of these topics now, I am happy to recommend visiting the following DevNet Developer Centers for more information:

If you like to stay on the cutting edge of tech, and know the latest and greatest when it comes to APIs, SDKs, and Cisco’s programmable infrastructure – join us.

It’s not too late – register now. I’m so excited about all the things you can learn, and even more excited about the things we’ll be able to build together.

We’d love to hear what you think. Ask a question or leave a comment below.
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