Making an Impact with Cisco  – Cisco Blogs

What was your dream job when you were little? For me, it wasn’t so much the position – I just knew that I had to help people and have an impact on my community. I thought, perhaps, this would lead me to working in healthcare or with a non-profit. Little did I know – being an employee at Cisco would provide me the opportunities I was looking for to make a positive impact on my community!  

In college, I learned about how large corporations made (arguably) some of the largest impacts on society. “Yeah, right,” I thought, “probably in negative ways.”  

But while recruiting for internships, I found myself over at the Cisco table where I was greeted with the biggest smiles and warmest introductions – it was an unexpected greeting at these type of job fairs. After chatting a bit, I raced home to learn even more about Cisco – I knew they were a technology company, but what made those recruiters SO passionate about their jobs? 

That night, I learned that Cisco is not only a leading technology company, but they have a billion other positive aspects. In truth, a “billion” might be an over exaggeration, but it sure did feel spot on as I read through one FANTASTIC benefit after the next. From fun events and benefits that promote healthy living with a focus on mental health awareness to – the most important for me – Cisco was fueled by the impact they’re making on society!  

Not only was I selected to become a Cisco intern, but as of July 2019, I accepted a full-time role with the World’s #1 Best Place to Work! I now work on the Customer Partner Services (CPS) team within Operations as a Deal Manager and it is a great fit for me! 

Katie with other co-workers

In my role I directly support our Account Managers with critical or complex deals by providing lead time analysis, Supply Chain communications and more. We work together to strive for overall customer satisfaction. And I know that along with our team’s collaboration and the Cisco products that connect the unconnected, the underserved, and sometimes even the most vulnerable in our world – I am playing a key part in serving our community and world at large 

And my impact doesn’t stop there – I also serve on the CPS Giveback Committee for our Raleigh, North Carolina offices 

The committee started in the fall of 2019 with a goal of planning one giveback event for each month of the year, in the hopes of achieving 100% participating in FY20. We volunteered our time at a local food bank, and a committee member partnered with our Connected Black Professionals Employee Resource Organization (ERO) to hold a live history museum that honored Black History Month. 

Towards the end of the year, I planned two Salvation Army events that meant so much to me as I love the holiday season and giving back feels even more important in this time. Our team also helped around 8,000 angels that received gifts and warm clothes. 

Working at this event reminded me that we can make a difference and make others feel special in their time of need – and Cisco gives us the time to do this, too! We receive 5 days every year to give back that’s separate from our PTO – and in response to the events of 2020, Cisco gave us 5 more days to volunteer.  

2020 may have thrown our plans off course, but toward the end of the summer, we were back on track with virtual tutoring events, and a clothing supply drive for Winter of 2020. 

Being part of this committee motivates me to do my day job exceptionally well so I can make room in my schedule to participate in these monthly activities. My dream of helping others is being fulfilled, and for that, I’m forever grateful to Cisco. 

We know the work will always be there, but now – more than ever – is the time to help those in need. How are you planning to give back this holiday season? 


Ready to join our teams that give back? Apply now. 

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