New Content that Proves VMware Cloud Saves Customers Time and Money!

We’re pleased to announce several new pieces of content that definitively demonstrate that that VMware Cloud helps accelerate cloud adoption and saves customers money.

And below is our latest content on VMware Cloud from Cloud Economics perspective:

 New Forrester TEI Study:  VMware Cloud on AWS has a 55.9% reduction in annual datacenter costs. (also on the Cloud Economics page on Vault)

Forrester TEI Study Infographic: Quick summary of the above report. Also shows 99% ROI and a 13-month payback period.

VMware Cloud Costs Less Video (cut 1): New video ad showing the data behind why VMware Costs Less

VMware Cloud Costs Less Video (cut 2): Different cut of video 1

(If you view the video, please give Thumbs Up to the one you prefer on YouTube)

New Customer Case Studies: VMware Cloud

Semiconductor Customer Case Study

Technology Services Customer(Partner) Case Study

US Digital Media Company Case Study

Health Care Leaders Case Study

And for more information related to VMware Cloud on AWS, here are some more learning resources for you:

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