New Data Cloud features to boost Salesforce’s AI agents

Support for unstructured audio and video data

The addition of support for unstructured audio and video content will help enterprises extract and analyze customer data from previously inaccessible audio and video sources like customer calls, training sessions, product demos, feedback surveys, voicemails, and webinars, Auradkar explained.

Further, the general manager said that support for audio and video content can help enrich customer profiles, reveal deeper intent behind customer preferences, and behavioral patterns, and improve the accuracy of autonomous agents deployed with the help of Agentforce.

Explaining how support for audio and video content can help the accuracy of autonomous AI agents, IDC’s research manager, Hayley Sutherland, said that support for vectorization of video and audio content means that more content can be used for retrieval augmented generation (RAG), making that content accessible to large language models (LLMs) underpinning the agents to augment responses and generated content.

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