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New Video Series: Questions with the Council
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In this new video series, Emma Sutcliffe, SVP Standards, answers the payment industry’s questions about PCI DSS v4.0. Questions include:
- What are the first steps organizations should take when transitioning from v3.2.1 to v4.0?
- Why is PCI DSS v4.0 more stringent on multifactor authentication?
- Can you discuss the transition timeline from v3.2.1 to v4.0?
- The new standard lists several requirements as “best practices” effective with the release of the standard. How should organizations look at beginning to implement these practices while still focusing on 3.2.1 security implementations?
Watch “Questions with the Council” where Emma answers these questions and more! Make sure to subscribe to the Council’s YouTube page to stay up to date with upcoming payment security videos.
Want more resources on PCI DSS v4.0? Visit the PCI DSS v4.0 Resource Hub: