Ops Meets Dev on the Daily Standup Show

Automation! Programmability! APIs! You hear these words everywhere, but what do they really mean? Are they just buzz words? Or should I be joining the movement? Do I have to learn how to code? Am I going to lose my job? So many questions, so few answers. But don’t fret because your questions about automation can be answered… Welcome to the Daily Standup show!

Where operations/SRE meets enterprise software

The Daily Standup show is a bi-weekly video series where Mel Delgado and I provide tips, tricks, and opinions based on our personal experiences around these topics. Before becoming a Cisco Developer Advocate, Mel spent the majority of his 25-year career in operations, with the last 6 years in various DevOps roles. I, on the other hand, have spent 15 years as an enterprise software engineer. No, we are not going to ask you if you have any obstacles or if you finished your user story. But the show will cover various tech topics that are top of mind.

One thing that we have recognized is the fact that developers and operations/SRE work in silos, and often make assumptions about each other’s work without knowing the facts. In most organizations, the communication between them is via tickets. But why does it have to be that way? Why don’t we want to leverage each other’s knowledge? With the Daily Standup, we want to show that we are more alike than we think, that we CAN learn from each other, and that communication between developers and operations/SRE benefits both.

Can’t we all just get along? Okay…we don’t need to ALWAYS get along, and we can have our differences, but having a healthy conversation to understand each other’s points of view and needs can go a long way.

Get your questions answered… your topics discussed

Have you ever been curious about a tech topic but afraid to ask? Or have you wanted to learn more about what people did in their job roles but didn’t want to offend them? Well, the Daily Standup is your opportunity to do just that. Leave us a comment (below) with your question or topic and we will either answer it ourselves or find someone who can. We want to know what topics are on your mind and we will make sure to discuss it.

Tune in to the Daily Standup

What are you waiting for? Join Mel Delgado and me every two weeks on The Daily Standup.
Click here to browse past episodes. And watch our latest episode, “What is automation?

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