Oracle Cloud VMware Solution – Networking Reference Architecture – VMware Cloud Community

I’ve been leading our technical sales and enablement initiatives for Oracle Cloud VMware Solution for some time now, and a number of the most common questions I hear are around how Oracle Cloud VMware Solution’s networking layers fit within the overall Oracle Cloud architecture.

To try and answer those questions, I created this poster to visualize the logical topology design behind networking workflows across Customer On-Premises, Oracle Cloud VMware Solution, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.  My goal is to help illustrate how the components fit together, particularly how the vSphere and NSX-T components integrate into OCI’s network layers. To download the full-sized Reference Architecture poster, click here.

Key sections:

  • Customer On-Premises Software Defined Data Center (SDDC): On-premises datacenter hosting virtualized workloads. These may reside on various network and storage types and can be running any supported versions of vSphere.
  • On-premises to Oracle Cloud Connectivity: Services hosted on Oracle Cloud VMware Solution can be accessed over the Internet, but on-premises to Oracle Cloud connections are more commonly over Internet VPN or dedicated Fast Connect links.
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Region: Region-specific cloud tenancy where customers must deploy a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure prior to provisioning their Oracle Cloud VMware Solution
  • Oracle Cloud VMware Solution (SDDC):  Customer-managed Oracle Cloud Infrastructure solution leveraging VMware vSphere, NSX-T, vSAN, and HCX for workload mobility.  Once networking connectivity is established from On-Premises, customers can begin configuring the HCX deployment and migrating via Oracle FastConnect.
  • Sidebar callouts: Expand on items within the poster. Watch out for subsequent posts in which we’ll delve deeper into some of these areas.


If you would like to take a virtual tour on the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution, we now offer a complementary Hands-on-Lab.    We hope to hear from you.  Please feel free to contact us for more information.


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