The Economics of VMC on Dell EMC – VMware Cloud Community

The Economics of VMC on Dell EMC – VMware Cloud Community

Over the past year, in my work as a Cloud Economist here at VMware supporting the VMC on Dell EMC offering, I’ve had the privilege to run TCO analysis with many organizations across multiple industries and locations. In that time, I have found that some of these TCO studies produce negative results, but for a few industries and their use cases, the results are positive. Here are a few observations. But first, a word on…

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Vaccine passports have to be consistent so that all countries can recognize them, expert says

Vaccine passports have to be consistent so that all countries can recognize them, expert says

This might create problems for those from poorer countries. Their countries may not have the resources to create vaccine passports that are readable everywhere. TechRepublic’s Karen Roby spoke with Marc Rogers, executive director for cybersecurity at Okta, about vaccine passports. The following is an edited transcript of their conversation. Karen Roby: Marc, obviously, we’ve talked to you many times in the past regarding ransomware and pretty much every other security issue. Today, though, a hot…

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US DoJ indicts four members of China-linked APT40 cyberespionage group

US DoJ indicts four members of China-linked APT40 cyberespionage group

US DoJ indicted four members of the China-linked cyberespionage group known as APT40 for hacking various entities between 2011 and 2018. The U.S. Justice Department (DoJ) indicted four members of the China-linked cyber espionage group APT40 (aka TEMP.Periscope, TEMP.Jumper, and Leviathan) for hacking tens of government organizations, private businesses and universities around the world between 2011 and 2018. “The defendants and their Hainan State Security Department (HSSD) conspirators sought to obfuscate the Chinese government’s role in such theft by establishing…

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Cheers, Saúde, Salud, and Santé to a Fresh Start in FY22 – Part 1 – Cisco Blogs

Cheers, Saúde, Salud, and Santé to a Fresh Start in FY22 – Part 1 – Cisco Blogs

This past year we have been working on aligning, enabling, and accelerating partner success through distribution. We have led a successful year; despite the many challenges we have faced as a united society. Our success is more than just profitability, although that is vastly important and a key initiative for the coming fiscal year, it’s also connecting families, enabling small businesses to keep the lights on, and doing our part to help millions get vaccinated….

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Top 5 things to know about supply chain attacks

Top 5 things to know about supply chain attacks

Worried about supply chain attacks? Tom Merritt can help you understand your risk. Whether its Stuxnet, SolarWinds or Microsoft Exchange, chances are you’ve read about supply chain attacks. But, hey, you follow all the security procedures right? You’re not going to get targeted, right? Hmm. Here are five things to know about supply chain attacks. It doesn’t target you. It targets your suppliers. Hence the name. You trust your suppliers so you let them in…

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No, You Don’t Need EDR

No, You Don’t Need EDR

By Daniel Petrillo , Director of Security Strategy, Morphisec Endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions, and their evolution — extended detection and response (XDR) platforms — are increasingly popular. To underscore that point, the market was valued at $1.81 billion in 2020, according to Mordor Intelligence, and looks to increase to $6.9 billion by 2026 for a CAGR of 25.6% over the next five years. This is huge as more companies start to look into…

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Europe’s recovery can be green, digital and truly inclusive – Cisco Blogs

Europe’s recovery can be green, digital and truly inclusive – Cisco Blogs

Over a year has passed since businesses, citizens and governments were forced to adapt to radical change and move to a new reality. Now is the time when we decide what lessons we’ve learned from this unprecedented crisis and determine what type of future we want to build. It’s clear that we are not going back to the way things were. We have it in our power to build a more inclusive, sustainable and digital…

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Your iPhone and the Pegasus spyware hack: What you need to know

Your iPhone and the Pegasus spyware hack: What you need to know

iPhones have been compromised by the NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware. Should you be worried? That depends on who you ask. Image: James Martin/CNET The iPhone has always been lauded for its tight security and privacy controls, especially compared with Android devices. But that reputation took a hit this week with the revelation that a spyware program ostensibly used to hack into the phones of criminals and terrorists was abused by certain authoritarian governments to compromise…

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