Homes, Not Just Devices: The New Consumer Cybersecurity

Homes, Not Just Devices: The New Consumer Cybersecurity

Over the last year, our relationship with digital technology has changed completely, and probably irrevocably. The pandemic has been bruising in many different ways, but it has been clear from the very start how important the internet has been as a tool to help us through it. Even just a few years ago, the behavioural shifts it enabled would not have been possible. From offices running on videoconferencing, to essential retail moving online, to digitally-delivered…

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Homes, Not Just Devices: The New Consumer Cybersecurity

Homes, Not Just Devices: The New Consumer Cybersecurity

Over the last year, our relationship with digital technology has changed completely, and probably irrevocably. The pandemic has been bruising in many different ways, but it has been clear from the very start how important the internet has been as a tool to help us through it. Even just a few years ago, the behavioural shifts it enabled would not have been possible. From offices running on videoconferencing, to essential retail moving online, to digitally-delivered…

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Homes, Not Just Devices: The New Consumer Cybersecurity | McAfee Blogs

Homes, Not Just Devices: The New Consumer Cybersecurity | McAfee Blogs

Over the last year, our relationship with digital technology has changed completely, and probably irrevocably. The pandemic has been bruising in many different ways, but it has been clear from the very start how important the internet has been as a tool to help us through it. Even just a few years ago, the behavioural shifts it enabled would not have been possible. From offices running on videoconferencing, to essential retail moving online, to digitally-delivered…

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Homes, Not Just Devices: The New Consumer Cybersecurity | McAfee Blogs

Homes, Not Just Devices: The New Consumer Cybersecurity | McAfee Blogs

Over the last year, our relationship with digital technology has changed completely, and probably irrevocably. The pandemic has been bruising in many different ways, but it has been clear from the very start how important the internet has been as a tool to help us through it. Even just a few years ago, the behavioural shifts it enabled would not have been possible. From offices running on videoconferencing, to essential retail moving online, to digitally-delivered…

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McAfee Labs Report Highlights Ransomware Threats | McAfee Blogs

McAfee Labs Report Highlights Ransomware Threats | McAfee Blogs

The McAfee Advanced Threat Research team today published the McAfee Labs Threats Report: June 2021. In this edition we introduce additional context into the biggest stories dominating the year thus far including recent ransomware attacks. While the topic itself is not new, there is no question that the threat is now truly mainstream. This Threats Report provides a deep dive into ransomware, in particular DarkSide, which resulted in an agenda item in talks between U.S….

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The fine line of security’s role as a deterrent: How people process and technology influence response

The fine line of security’s role as a deterrent: How people process and technology influence response

The fine line of security’s role as a deterrent: How people process and technology influence response | 2021-06-24 | Security Magazine This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated…

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Anti-virus Pioneer John McAfee Found Dead in Spanish Prison Cell

Anti-virus Pioneer John McAfee Found Dead in Spanish Prison Cell

John McAfee was found dead in a Barcelona prison cell  on Wednesday afternoon, June 25 2021. McAfee was 75 years old. The cause of death, according to Spanish authorities, is suspected to be suicide. An outspoken cybersecurity pioneer and reclusive millionaire, McAfee was being held by Spanish authorities after being arrested in October 2020 at Barcelona’s El Prat airport on charges of alleged tax evasion in the U.S. A Spanish court ruled earlier in the day on…

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Threat actors in January attempted to poison the water at a US facility

Threat actors in January attempted to poison the water at a US facility

Threat actors in January attempted to poison the water at a US facility, a circumstance that highlights the importance of cybersecurity for water and wastewater utilities. The news that a threat actor in January attempted to poison the water at a facility in the U.S. made the headlines and highlights the importance of protecting critical infrastructure from hackers. According to a report published by NBC News, threat actors attempted to compromise an unnamed water treatment plant…

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Mr. Double’s Operator Jailed

Mr. Double’s Operator Jailed

A 65-year-old man from Texas has been sentenced to prison for operating a website devoted to stories in which violence occurs against minors. In January, a federal jury convicted 65-year-old Brewster County resident Thomas Alan Arthur of three counts of trafficking in obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of a child, five counts of trafficking in obscene text stories about the sexual abuse of children, and one count of engaging in the business of selling obscene matters…

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 New Training: Work from Home Security Awareness

 New Training: Work from Home Security Awareness

  The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed how companies and employees view working from home. It is estimated that 25-30% of the workforce will be working from home multiple days a week by the end of 2021. In the rush to set up remote work environments, its possible organizations and workers overlooked cybersecurity best practices. To help bridge this knowledge gap, PCI SSC has created a low cost 45-minute training to educate organizations and remote…

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