Comparing AWS Services for Cloud Cost Management and Optimization – VMware Cloud Community

Comparing AWS Services for Cloud Cost Management and Optimization – VMware Cloud Community

Enterprises worldwide are making increasingly large investments in public cloud infrastructure to benefit from the promises of improved agility, faster time to market, and decreased risk. Cloud cost management and optimization can become a big challenge as organizations find that the decentralized nature and rapid scale of the public cloud lead to much larger bills than expected. Beyond surprisingly high costs, organizations often find their teams spending more time trying to track and account for…

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French intel found flaws in Bluetooth Core and Mesh specs

French intel found flaws in Bluetooth Core and Mesh specs

Attackers could exploit a set of Bluetooth vulnerabilities, affecting the Core and Mesh Profile specifications, to conduct man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks. Researchers at the french intelligence agency ANSSI discovered multiple flaws in the Bluetooth Core and Mesh Profile specifications that could be used to impersonate legitimate devices during the pairing process and conduct man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks while within wireless range of vulnerable devices. All the devices supporting Bluetooth Core and Mesh specifications are affected by the above issues and are vulnerable to impersonation…

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Adding Data Security in the Age of Ransomware Attacks – Cisco Blogs

Adding Data Security in the Age of Ransomware Attacks – Cisco Blogs

News of ransomware attacks has become all too common in this modern age of cyberattacks. Some say it’s not a question of if you’ll be hit by a ransomware attack, but when. Such was the case with Sky Lakes Medical Center. On October 26, 2020, an employee at the medical center clicked on an innocent-looking link to a Google doc delivered in a disguised phishing email. The employee did not know this link pointed to…

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SD-WAN Enables Secure, Seamless and Superior User Experience for the Cloud On-Ramp

SD-WAN Enables Secure, Seamless and Superior User Experience for the Cloud On-Ramp

Over 90% of enterprises now leverage multi-cloud and hybrid (public/private) cloud environments as a critical component of their networking and business strategy. As a result, essential data and business-critical applications may reside anywhere—whether on-campus, at a branch office, in the data center, or the cloud. And of course, where these applications live should be transparent to the end-user. Secure SD-WAN provides organizations the reliable and secure connectivity and user experience they need for their cloud…

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Learn about SecureX and Public Cloud for Amazon Web Services

Learn about SecureX and Public Cloud for Amazon Web Services

TLDR? We have an exciting webinar coming up on the 3rd of June at 9:00 AM PDT. You will learn all about SecureX third party integrations, but specifically we will discuss how to integrate AWS in a very neat way, using a Serverless Relay Module. Read more about those modules in the blog of my colleague. You don’t want to miss this one!  Register here for the webinar! Want to get started right away? Then…

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Use Threat Intelligence Platforms to Overcome Security Hurdles

Use Threat Intelligence Platforms to Overcome Security Hurdles

When industry analysts survey most security professionals these days, the common consensus is that it’s now harder to manage security operations than ever before. For example, a recent Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) research study showed that some 63 percent of security pros say that the job is tougher today than it was just two years ago. While there’s no doubt that the variety and volume of threats keep on growing by the year, the question…

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Influencers Offered Money to Vilify Vaccine

Influencers Offered Money to Vilify Vaccine

A public relations agency in the UK has allegedly offered social media influencers money to portray the Covid-19 vaccine created by Pfizer-BioNTech as highly dangerous.  Fazze allegedly offered to pay French and German bloggers, influencers and YouTubers to tell their followers that the vaccine had caused hundreds of deaths.  Over 285 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through May 24, 2021. During this time, the CDC’s…

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A Big Thank You to Our DockerCon Live 2021 Sponsors – Docker Blog

A Big Thank You to Our DockerCon Live 2021 Sponsors – Docker Blog

With DockerCon just a day away, let’s not forget to give a big THANK YOU to all our sponsors. As our ecosystem partners, they play a central role in our strategy to deliver the best developer experience from local desktop to cloud, and/or to offer best-in-class solutions to help you build apps faster, easier and more securely. Translation: We couldn’t do what we do without them. So be sure to visit their virtual rooms and…

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Cyber-criminal Gang Targets Texas Unemployment System

Cyber-criminal Gang Targets Texas Unemployment System

A gang of Nigerian cyber-criminals has shared a step-by-step guide detailing how to commit unemployment identity fraud in the Lone Star State, according to CBS News.  Organized cybercrime group Scattered Canary is already suspected of making millions defrauding the states of Hawaii, Florida, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Washington and Wyoming. Now the gang has allegedly circulated a 13-page tutorial explaining how to successfully defraud the Texas Workforce Commission website.  Evidence shared with the news channel’s CBS…

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Learn How to Get Started with DNA Center Templates

Learn How to Get Started with DNA Center Templates

Overview DNA Center is maturing into a very robust tool for the network administrator. The lessons learned over a decade from Prime guided us toward a tool that will transform the future of networks. Prime has served many organizations for over a decade; DNA Centers’ capabilities and unique UI make it a robust successor. Additionally, DNA Center can easily accomplish various network automation tasks that would ordinarily take days to achieve. Lastly, to aid in…

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