Kaspersky: Goofing off a little at work may help security teams stay focused

Kaspersky: Goofing off a little at work may help security teams stay focused

The security company found that 85% of workers spend up to five hours a week watching YouTube, listening to podcasts, or exercising during work hours. Image: iStock/metamorworks Mixing work and play might be a good thing if it breaks up the monotony of security monitoring, according to Kaspersky. The company’s survey about IT security economics found that 85% of workers spend up to five hours a week reading the news, watching TV shows, or even…

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The Ultimate Study Guide for the DevNet IoT Certification

The Ultimate Study Guide for the DevNet IoT Certification

Do you know when the first thing was connected to the Internet of Things? Some could say it was 1982 and a Coke vending machine at the Carnegie Mellon University. Since then, the IoT has come a long way and is getting adapted more and more, especially with the ongoing IT/OT convergence. But let’s start simple: What does IoT exactly describe? Well, the main purpose of the IoT is to get digital presentations of analog…

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Security Pros Pursue Hobbies at Work

Security Pros Pursue Hobbies at Work

New research by global cybersecurity firm Kaspersky has found that IT security staff spend more time pursuing their hobbies during business hours than do their colleagues in other departments. A survey of more than 5,200 IT and cybersecurity practitioners globally found that the IT security crowd dedicate six hours of their working week to hobbies, which is an hour more than staff across the company overall. Researchers discovered that as much as 85% of IT security staff engage in…

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How Faction Multicloud Data Services Help Optimize VMware Cloud on AWS – VMware Cloud Community

How Faction Multicloud Data Services Help Optimize VMware Cloud on AWS – VMware Cloud Community

Cloud adoption, migration, and extension projects are on the rise. As interest in cloud migration grows, so does interest in VMware Cloud on AWS. Learn how Faction—a VMware Premier Cloud Provider and VMware Principal Partner—helps customers scale resources and keep costs predictable. VMware Cloud on AWS: An Onramp to the Cloud VMware Cloud on AWS provides an easy onramp to the cloud for organizations with existing investments in VMware tools, system integrations, and trained staff….

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Jones Day Denies Network Breach

Jones Day Denies Network Breach

American legal giant Jones Day says its computer network has not been compromised following a cyber-attack on the firm’s file-transfer vendor Accellion. Accellion’s 20-year-old FTA (Files Transfer Appliance) file-transfer platform was “the target of a sophisticated cyberattack,” according to a statement issued by the company on February 1.  The Wall Street Journal reports that a hacker known as Clop has leaked some documents online that they claim have been stolen from Jones Day. Among the documents are a cover letter for “confidential…

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#DTX Tech Predictions Mini Summit: How to Build a Strong Cybersecurity Culture

#DTX Tech Predictions Mini Summit: How to Build a Strong Cybersecurity Culture

The ways organizations should go about establishing a strong internal cybersecurity culture was discussed by a panel during the Tech Predictions Mini Summit. The speakers firstly acknowledged that cyber-criminals are increasingly exploiting the lack of security awareness amongst staff to target organizations. Javvad Malik, security awareness advocate at Knowbe4, outlined social engineering attacks and credential stuffing attacks as among the main vectors he sees employed, methods which trick users into clicking on a malicious link…

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#HealthcareNow – Perspectives from Australia and Japan

#HealthcareNow – Perspectives from Australia and Japan

Co-Author: Tomoyuki Wakamura, Business Development Manager Divergent responses to the pandemic and a stutter-step start to global vaccine administration have shown just how varied global health systems are; challenging notions about strengths and weaknesses – ­at home and abroad. We’re taking the pulse of healthcare in our region, using perspectives from Australia and Japan, to provide insights into broader telehealth and connectivity themes at play across the continents. The pandemic reshapes healthcare daily, but as we move…

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Webex Inside Any Mobile AppWebex Inside Any Mobile App

Webex Inside Any Mobile AppWebex Inside Any Mobile App

Real-Time Video Meetings and Messaging with Webex  – What’s the difference between a patient, a student and a citizen? – Nothing! That could be the start of a joke, but it’s not. What they do have in common is the need to meet with remote services easily, right from their personal smartphone. Whether we want to tele-visit with a doctor, reach a university staff to prep for campus return or to meet with a governmental…

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A simpler way to move data from the network’s edge to Amazon Web Services – Cisco Blogs

A simpler way to move data from the network’s edge to Amazon Web Services – Cisco Blogs

Data has been called “the new oil.” And like oil, it needs to be extracted, processed, and delivered before it has value. Customers have told me how overwhelming the process is when thousands of devices at the network’s edge transmit over multiple protocols and report the same data differently (e.g., metric v English measurements). And even after you’ve solved those problems, moving all Internet of Things data to the cloud for analytics tends to be…

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Top 5 things to know about adversarial attacks

Top 5 things to know about adversarial attacks

Machine learning is helpful to many organizations in the tech industry, but it can have a downside. Tom Merritt lists five things to know about adversarial attacks. Machine learning is being used for a lot of great things, from guiding autonomous cars to creating pictures of cats that don’t actually exist. Of course, as with any technology, if it exists someone will want to hack it. Some of those hackers will be malicious. Adversarial attacks…

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