3.2billion records leaked, Part II

3.2billion records leaked, Part II

The Largest compilation of emails and passwords (COMB), more than 3.2 billion login credentials, has been leaked on a popular hacking forum. More than 3.2 billion unique pairs of cleartext emails and passwords have been leaked on a popular hacking forum, the collection aggregates data from past leaks, such as Netflix, LinkedIn, Exploit.in, Bitcoin, and more. This breach was dubbed “Compilation of Many Breaches” (COMB), the data is archived in an encrypted, password-protected container. Source:…

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How to select an enterprise VPN that protects data but doesn’t drive users crazy

How to select an enterprise VPN that protects data but doesn’t drive users crazy

IT teams should look for services with automatic alerts about user behavior, logging, scalability, and central management. Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto As remote work becomes the new normal, IT teams have to take a second look at solutions that worked in March 2020 but may not be the right choice now. In addition to implementing multifactor authentication and considering a zero-trust approach, IT leaders should determine how a virtual private network (VPN) fits into the overall…

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Data loss, credential compromise up in phishing attacks in 2020, says vendor report | IT World Canada News

Data loss, credential compromise up in phishing attacks in 2020, says vendor report | IT World Canada News

Phishing continues to be an effective way for threat actors to infect computing devices, according to a survey from cybersecurity vendor Proofpoint. Fifty-seven per cent of the 600 infosec professionals in seven countries questioned said their firm suffered a successful phishing attack last year, the company said Monday in releasing its annual State of the Phish Report. That was up slightly over last year, suggesting the percentage of successful attacks stayed the same. However, 60…

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Choosing to modernize your infrastructure isn’t just about TCO – Cisco Blogs

Choosing to modernize your infrastructure isn’t just about TCO – Cisco Blogs

Given how much I’ve blogged about TCO, that title might surprise some. Refreshing is about doing the same as before just faster. Modernizing is doing things differently in how you operate, manage, and consume your infrastructure. Just like refreshing, there are obvious TCO benefits that you will get by modernizing: simplification through server consolidation due to increased performance and the financial impact of consolidation (reductions in OpEx (power, cooling, warranty, software licenses) and administrative overhead)….

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From College to Cisco – A Dream Come True!  – Cisco Blogs

From College to Cisco – A Dream Come True!  – Cisco Blogs

Landing a dream job straight out of college may seem like just that – a dream. Some people are fortunate enough to see their aspirations turn into a reality however, and such was the case for me!  Back in late 2017, I was in my senior year at San Jose State University, prepping for job interviews as graduation neared. I remember hearing stories of alumni and classmates getting great job offers from Cisco, and I…

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What’s so great about LR compared to LR4 optics? – Cisco Blogs

What’s so great about LR compared to LR4 optics? – Cisco Blogs

If you’re not familiar with the new 100G LR, you may be wondering, “What’s so great about it, especially compared with 100G LR4?” The names are nearly identical and both refer to 100G pluggable optics that provide 10km reach over duplex SMF (Single-Mode Fiber). In that respect, they are equivalent. However, a little history lesson reveals that there’s much more to it than that. Way back in what seems like the dark ages of 2010,…

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A guide to cyber security for marketing agencies – IT Governance UK Blog

A guide to cyber security for marketing agencies – IT Governance UK Blog

If your marketing agency is under the impression that cyber security is strictly an IT issue, you should think again. Effective security is a company-wide commitment, and marketers play one of the most crucial roles. Consider how much personal data you collect; if that information is lost or stolen, it will severely damage your customer relationships. In fact, a Ping Identity survey found that 78% of people would stop using an organisation’s online services if…

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Netskope Leadership Shows Where CASB and SWG Are Headed

Netskope Leadership Shows Where CASB and SWG Are Headed

Gartner’s most recent Magic Quadrant for Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB) and Magic Quadrant for Secure Web Gateways (SWG) tell us a lot about where both of those markets are headed. Data and users increasingly reside and work in the cloud, the global pandemic has accelerated digital transformation in unprecedented ways, and the march is on toward the Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) future we’ve all been hearing about for some time now. As the status quo of security…

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Random identity generation in Linux

Random identity generation in Linux

If you need to generate a list of names and addresses to test an application or a script that you’re working on, Linux can make that surprisingly easy. There’s a command called “rig” that will create name, address and phone number listings. As far as I can tell, out of the box, it only works with U.S. addresses and area codes. However, if this is indeed the case, you might be able to work around…

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