How educators can secure their online learning environments

How educators can secure their online learning environments

How educators can secure their online learning environments | 2021-01-29 | Security Magazine This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to learn more. …

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New study shows enterprise decision-makers improvising risk management

New study shows enterprise decision-makers improvising risk management

New study shows enterprise decision-makers improvising risk management | 2021-01-29 | Security Magazine This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to learn more. …

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Leveraging gamification for security awareness training

Leveraging gamification for security awareness training

Leveraging gamification for security awareness training | 2021-01-29 | Security Magazine This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to learn more. This Website…

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Are Openness and Security Both Possible in a 5G World? – Cisco Blogs

Are Openness and Security Both Possible in a 5G World? – Cisco Blogs

This week, I had the opportunity to speak at a National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) industry listening session on the U.S. federal government’s strategy for 5G policy. The agency’s consistent commitment to working with private sector stakeholders allows for thoughtful exploration of knotty questions, like whether and how a pivot to open 5G network architectures impacts the security of those networks. The thrust of my message today was that we believe that well-designed open…

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Ethernet innovation pits power against speed

Ethernet innovation pits power against speed

While the move to 400G Ethernet has so far been a largely hyperscaler and telco-network event, the ambition for those users, as well as data-center customers is ultimately to  move to at least 800Gbps and possibly 1.6Tbps. And while 800Gbps seems to be a solid goal for Ethernet networking visionaries, the challenges—such as the optics, power, and architecture required to make the next speed leap—seem formidable. The need for increased speed in data centers and…

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Data privacy laws: A mini glossary

Data privacy laws: A mini glossary

Wondering which data privacy laws affect your area or the type of data you’re working with? Find out with this glossary of rules from around the world. Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto Data privacy laws vary greatly around the world, but that’s rapidly changing. The United States is increasingly alone in not having a single overarching data privacy law as more countries adopt new statutes that have much in common with the European Union’s General Data Privacy…

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Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan Now Includes an all New Comprehensive and Cost-Effective Offer for Education

Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan Now Includes an all New Comprehensive and Cost-Effective Offer for Education

At Cisco we are pleased to kick off 2021 with an exciting update to the Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan that continues our mission to drive experiences that are 10x better than in-person interactions, help organizations collaborate seamlessly, and transform employee and customer experiences to power an inclusive future for all. Building off our last blog where we discussed Cisco Calling Plans and better together Security + Collaboration offers, I am pleased to share that the…

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ShinyHunters Exposes Over 125 Million Online Credentials | McAfee Blogs ShinyHunters Exposes Over 125 Million Online Credentials  | McAfee Blog

ShinyHunters Exposes Over 125 Million Online Credentials | McAfee Blogs ShinyHunters Exposes Over 125 Million Online Credentials  | McAfee Blog

ShinyHunters Exposes Over 125 Million Online Credentials   Meet ShinyHunters, a hacker who recently leaked 10 new databases this past month from companies including: •••••••••• But this isn’t the first time they’ve made headlines. It all started in May of 2020 when ShinyHunters attempted to sell several stolen databases on the Dark Web. They also leaked several other databases between April and July.  In October, they…

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ShinyHunters Exposes Over 125 Million Online Credentials | McAfee Blogs ShinyHunters Exposes Over 125 Million Online Credentials  | McAfee Blog

ShinyHunters Exposes Over 125 Million Online Credentials | McAfee Blogs ShinyHunters Exposes Over 125 Million Online Credentials  | McAfee Blog

ShinyHunters Exposes Over 125 Million Online Credentials   Meet ShinyHunters, a hacker who recently leaked 10 new databases this past month from companies including: •••••••••• But this isn’t the first time they’ve made headlines. It all started in May of 2020 when ShinyHunters attempted to sell several stolen databases on the Dark Web. They also leaked several other databases between April and July.  In October, they…

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Social Media Influencer Charged with Election Interference

Social Media Influencer Charged with Election Interference

An American social media influencer has been charged with running a misinformation campaign that tricked social media users into believing that they could vote by text message in the 2016 US presidential election. Douglass Mackey, aka Ricky Vaughn, was arrested yesterday morning on charges of conspiring with others ahead of the election to spread misinformation designed to deprive US citizens of their constitutional right to vote. Mackey, of West Palm Beach, Florida, was charged by criminal complaint…

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