10 trends shaping the security industry in 2021

10 trends shaping the security industry in 2021

Increased use of edge computing could “put AI everywhere,” according to Hikvision’s trends roundup. Image: iStock/ismagilov In recent months, there’s been a surge in cybersecurity attacks as criminals seek to exploit the coronavirus pandemic, the vulnerabilities of a remote workforce, and more. As details continue to emerge from the massive SolarWinds hack and fallout, many organizations are assessing their cybersecurity capabilities. On Jan. 7, Hikvision released a report outlining 10 of the top security trends…

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MAZE Exfiltration Tactic Widely Adopted

MAZE Exfiltration Tactic Widely Adopted

New research by New Zealand company Emsisoft has found that a cyber-blackmail tactic first debuted by ransomware gang MAZE has been adopted by over a dozen other criminal cyber-gangs. The internationally renowned security software company declared a ransomware crisis in the last month of 2019. Their latest ransomware report shows that this particular type of malware has had a huge impact on the United States in 2020. Emsisoft threat analyst Brett Callow described the numbers in “The…

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Cloud Mailbox Defense: End Users Share the Product Highlights Driving Their Success

Cloud Mailbox Defense: End Users Share the Product Highlights Driving Their Success

This blog was written & authored by Rob Tappenden, Technical Marketing Engineering Leader at Cisco Simplicity. This was the key fundamental principle of Cloud Mailbox Defense that we introduced in our earlier blogs. So how did the first customers and partners to try Cloud Mailbox Defense (CMD) think we did? “We have tested dozens of solutions. Cloud Mailbox Defense is the first solution that is ‘as easy as it claims to be’. There are no…

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Suspicious Vaccine-Related Domains Triple

Suspicious Vaccine-Related Domains Triple

The number of suspicious domains that feature the word “vaccine” in their title increased by almost 100% in the month after the first Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was given outside of a clinical trial. British grandmother Margaret Keenan became the first person in the world to receive the vaccine on December 8, 2020, a week before her 91st birthday.  New research by American cybersecurity software company Webroot observed that December 8 through January 6, there was an 94.8% increase in suspicious…

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Politics and online privacy: How American Republicans and Democrats differ, and where they agree

Politics and online privacy: How American Republicans and Democrats differ, and where they agree

A report from NordVPN finds disagreement on which political leader does better on privacy issues, whether disinformation should be banned, and what the biggest cyberthreat is. Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto VPN service provider NordVPN has released the results of a Politics and Digital Privacy Study conducted on US citizens, finding party line divisions on many issues, but general agreement on others, such as whether Big Tech should be liable for its use of personal data or…

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Machine Reasoning is the new AI/ML technology that will save you time and facilitate offsite NetOps.  – Cisco Blogs

Machine Reasoning is the new AI/ML technology that will save you time and facilitate offsite NetOps.  – Cisco Blogs

Machine reasoning can automate complex networking management tasks and create workflows for tedious processes. This groundbreaking technology in Cisco DNA Center empowers inexperienced engineers and saves time for seasoned IT pros.   Machine reasoning is a new category of AI/ML technologies that can enable a computer to work through complex processes that would normally require a human. Common applications for machine reasoning are detail-driven workflows that are extremely time-consuming and tedious, like optimizing your tax…

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At CES, a new era of hardware addresses the work-from-home shift

At CES, a new era of hardware addresses the work-from-home shift

Work from home has reshaped the IT attack surface, so cyber thieves and nation states are retooling in hopes of finding and exploiting new vulnerabilities. Which means that CIOs need to shore up their defenses across the IT ecosystem. Including, of course, hackers’ favorite portal into the enterprise: client PCs. At CES last week, Dell, HP, and Lenovo, the three largest PC vendors, all unveiled a spate of new business laptops with security enhancements like…

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Everyone’s “in” the Conversation with Webex Gestures

Everyone’s “in” the Conversation with Webex Gestures

The Create 10x Better Experiences Than in Person Interactions series focuses on enabling and empowering secure inclusive experiences in real-time or anytime, with a focus on seamless collaboration and smart hybrid work experiences Back in the day when face-to-face meetings were the norm, we used things like gestures and non-verbal cues to emphasize or support the words we’d verbally say. The feedback loop is such an important part of effective meetings. Smiles or a thumbs…

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Desktops in the Data Center: Establishing ground rules for VDI

Desktops in the Data Center: Establishing ground rules for VDI

Since the earliest days of computing, we’ve endeavored to provide users with efficient, secure access to the critical applications which power the business. From those early mainframe applications being accessed from hard-wired dumb terminals to the modern cloud-based application architectures of today, accessible to any user, from anywhere, on any device, we’ve witnessed the changing technology landscape deliver monumental gains in user productivity and flexibility.  With today’s workforce being increasingly remote, the delivery of secure,…

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Lessons Learned & Looking Ahead – Cisco Blogs

Lessons Learned & Looking Ahead – Cisco Blogs

Happy New Year! I can’t recall another year that I was as happy to leave behind as 2020. While we’re still facing tremendous challenges as the impacts of COVID-19 continue to ripple throughout the world economy and our public health systems, I feel renewed hope and energy as we embark on a new year. I hope you’re also feeling inspired and ready to take on 2021! 2020 was a year full of unknowns, but it…

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