IP Phone Security and CTL (Certificate Trust Issues )

Attached Document Describes the below : Download the Pdf: IP Phone Security and CTL (Certificate Trust • Phone Security and CTL Overview on page 1 • 1. Obtain USB eTokens on page 3 • 2. Activate CTL Provider and CAPF Services on page 4 • 3. Download and Install the CTL Client on page 5 • 4. Run the CTL Client using eTokens on page 6 • 5. Restart Required Servers on page 12 •…

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VMWare vSphere 5.5 – Showing incorrect information in vSphere Web Client

Hi Guys , I got stuck in to Vmware Vcenter below  issues after the upgrade to Vmware vcenter 5.5 from 5.0 – inventory Database authentication error – Database not showing  correct values and other vmware vcenter inventory issues. I used the Below Links to resolve the issue# http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2033620#Re-register vCenter Inventory Service with vCenter Single Sign-On http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&docTypeID=DT_KB_1_1&externalId=2094888 http://www.stephenwagner.com/?p=765 Here is the Summary : The Fix: 1) Stop the “VMWare vCenter Inventory Service”. 2) Delete the “data”…

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Cisco ISR G2 as a Video Bridge

Instead of buying an expensive, dedicated hardware video conference bridge to allow basic multiparty video calls on Cisco Unified Communications Manager you may be able to use the Existing 2900 or 3900 series router that you already have. An ISR G2 router equipped with the appropriate PVDM3 DSP modules is capable of providing video conference bridge (VCB) capabilities in addition to it’s traditional voice and network functions. The VCB functions aren’t as sophisticated and advanced…

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Posted in IOS

Create ODBC Database Connection in vCenter Server

vCenter server requires database to store its information. There are two methods you can use to configure database in vCenter server. You can use express SQL 2008 instance or separate dedicated database server. In this post, I will show steps to create ODBC database connection in vCenter Server with dedicated SQL server Server 2012. Create ODBC Database Connection in vCenter Server  As I have already installed SQL Server 2012 in Server 2012 R2, let’s create…

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Nexsus load balancing mechanism for FcoE Mappings

On the Nexus 5000, the default load balancing mechanism on the LACP port-channel is source-destination. If we leave it in this state, all the FCoE traffic will take the same link in the port channel when the Nexus 5000 is forwarding frames to the upstream device. To enable the Nexus 5000 to load balance using exchange IDs, we configure it for ‘source-dest-port’ load balancing. Nexus5000(config)# port-channel load-balance ethernet ? destination-ip    Destination IP address destination-mac   Destination…

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Example:Mapping VSANs to VLANs

Example:Mapping VSANs to VLANs The following example shows how to configure the FCoE VLAN and a virtual Fibre Channel interface: SUMMARY STEPS 1.    Enable the associated VLAN and map the VLAN to a VSAN. For Cisco Nexus 7000, ensure you are in the storage VDC. 2.    Configure the VLAN on a physical Ethernet interface. 3.    Create a virtual Fibre Channel interface and bind it to a physical Ethernet interface. For Cisco Nexus 7000, ensure you are in the…

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Nexus 5500 to Nexus 7000 Multi-Hop FCoE Configuration Example

Configure In order to begin this process, you must verify that: The Nexus 7000 has the FCoE feature enabled. The module F1 is licensed for FCoE. The system Quality of Service (QoS) is set correctly. The storage Virtual Device Contexts (VDC) are created. The dedicated and shared interfaces are configured. In order to configure the Nexus 7000 Switch for Multi-Hop FCoE, complete these steps. Enter these commands: default_vdc(config)# license fcoe module 1 default_vdc(config)#system qos default_vdc(config-sys-qos)# service-policy…

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VMWare vSphere 5.5 – Showing incorrect information in vSphere Web Client

Original Link# http://www.stephenwagner.com/?p=765 Earlier today I was doing some work in my demonstration vSphere environment, when I had to modify some settings of one of my VMs that are setup as the latest version (which means you can only edit the settings inside of the vSphere Web Client). To my surprise, when logging in, immediately I received an error: “ManagedObjectReference: type = Datastore, value = datastore-XXXX, serverGuid = XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXX refers to a managed object that…

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Virtual machine is assigned an invalid IP address after a reboot (2012646)

Symptoms When you restart a virtual machine, the IP address is changed from the assigned static IP address to 169.254.x.x. The guest operating system network interface with a static IP address fails to communicate with the network until the IP address is changed to DHCP and then back to a static IP address. Cause This issue occurs because the IP address registry values are incorrectly overwritten by a newly added IP address, instead of the…

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Starting VMware VirtualCenter Server service when using SQL authentication fails with the error: Login Failure, Failed to connect to database (2015824)

Symptoms You cannot start the VMware VirtualCenter Server service when using Microsoft SQL authentication. VMware VirtualCenter Server service fails to start. The vpxd.log file (located at C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Virtual Center\Logs)contains entries similar to: T10:54:43.364-04:00 [03404 error ‘Default’] [VpxdVdb::SetDBType]: Login failure – retrying once… T10:54:43.364-04:00 [03404 error ‘Default’] [VpxdVdb::SetDBType] Failed to connect to database: . Retry attempt: 1 … T10:54:53.364-04:00 [03404 error ‘Default’] [VpxdVdb::SetDBType] Encountered login error. Subsequent connection attempt failed: 28000 T10:54:53.364-04:00 [03404 error ‘Default’] [VpxdVdb::SetDBType] Aborting after 1…

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