Alibaba to invest $52 billion in AI and cloud over three years

Alibaba to invest  billion in AI and cloud over three years

“Although $52 billion is a lot of money, every US-based hyper scaler is committing more than this to AI already,” said Hyoun Park, CEO and chief analyst at Amalgam Insights. “AWS is committing roughly $100 billion to new capital expenditures next year, most of which is servers for AI-related use cases. Microsoft plans to spend $80 billion which Satya Nadella has very publicly committed to. And Google has committed roughly $75 billion this year for…

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Google just made AI coding assistance free. Here's why it matters

Google just made AI coding assistance free. Here's why it matters

ZDNET Writers are persnickety creatures. George R.R. Martin wrote all of the Game of Thrones books using DOS and the WordStar word processor — both artifacts from the 1980s. But when it comes to fussiness about their tools, writers of words don’t hold a candle to writers of code. Also: Brace yourself: The era of ‘citizen developers’ creating apps is here, thanks to AI We coders are extremely particular about the coding environments and setups we…

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How to Achieve Compliance with NIS Directive

How to Achieve Compliance with NIS Directive

The original NIS Directive came into force in 2016 as the EU’s first comprehensive law governing cybersecurity in member states. As part of its key policy objective to make Europe “fit for the digital age,” the European Commission proposed in December 2020 that NIS be revised, and NIS2 entered into force in January of 2023. Member states were required to transpose it into law by October 17, 2024. NIS2 has been applicable in the European Union…

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Key Updates in the OWASP Top 10 List for LLMs 2025

Key Updates in the OWASP Top 10 List for LLMs 2025

Last November, the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) released its Top Ten List for LLMs and Gen AI Applications 2025, making some significant updates from its 2023 iteration. These updates can tell us a great deal about how the LLM threat and vulnerability landscape is evolving – and what organizations need to do to protect themselves. Sensitive Information Disclosure Risks Grow In 2023, sensitive information disclosure ranked sixth on the OWASP Top 10 List…

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Quarter of Brits Report Deepfake Phone Scams

Quarter of Brits Report Deepfake Phone Scams

Global consumers encountered over one billion fraudulent calls in the final quarter of 2024, with a quarter of Brits and nearly a third (31%) of Americans exposed to deepfakes, according to Hiya. The voice intelligence specialist compiled its Q4 2024 Global Call Threat Report from a January survey of 12,000 global consumers, and a representative sample of calls observed on the Hiya Voice Intelligence Network. It revealed a significant uptick in unwanted calls – including nuisance calls…

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How CIOs can help the future suck less than the present

How CIOs can help the future suck less than the present

According to Mark Andreessen, sometime between 2006 and 2013, incoming freshmen at Harvard bought into the mantra that “tech is evil.” This has trickled into the general IT mindset. For many outside the profession, IT resembles the portfolio of televised advertisements during Super Bowl LIX: “very little creativity,” “not much in the way of simple, effective storytelling,” “not worth the money,” and “not targeted at me.” IT’s brighter future starts with stakeholders The other day…

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2025년 IT 리더가 전략적인 역할 발휘할 영역 3가지

2025년 IT 리더가 전략적인 역할 발휘할 영역 3가지

지난해 6월 PwC가 진행한 펄스 설문조사에 따르면, 기술, 미디어, 통신 분야 임원의 85%가 기술을 활용해 비즈니스 모델을 실행하고 확장할 수 있는 역량을 갖추고 있다고 응답했다. 또한 76%는 생성형 AI를 사용해 이런 노력을 강화할 계획이라고 밝혔다. 돌렌은 이 같은 혁신에 높은 잠재력이 있지만, 잠재력을 실현하는 데 수반되는 복잡성 또한 높다고 말했다. 따라서 CIO와 다른 기술 리더들이 비즈니스 모델과 전달 전략을 재고하는 데 전략적 역할을 할 수 있는 절호의 기회라고 그는 설명했다. 돌렌은 이런 기회가 단순히 혼란을…

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클론 로보틱스, 합성 근육 가진 인간형 로봇 ‘프로토클론’ 공개

클론 로보틱스, 합성 근육 가진 인간형 로봇 ‘프로토클론’ 공개

폴란드 회사 클론 로보틱스(Clone Robotics)가 합성 근육과 206개의 폴리머 골격으로 구성된 인간형 로봇인 프로토클론을 공개했다. 아래의 유튜브 영상은 프로토클론이 합성 근육을 사용하여 움직이는 모습을 보여준다. 500와트 전기 펌프를 심장으로, 4개의 카메라를 눈으로 가진 프로토클론은 320개의 압력 감지 센서와 70개의 관성 센서를 가지고 있다. 또 200도 이상의 자유도를 가진 1,000개의 근섬유 ‘근육’의 과열을 막기 위해 수분 기반의 생체 모방 냉각 시스템을 사용한다. 단 인공 근육을 이용해 인간과 유사한 걸음걸이를 보여주지만 안면 부위는 인간과 전혀 다른 상태로…

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3 strategies for carbon-free data centers

3 strategies for carbon-free data centers

Because of the strain that data centers (as well as other electrification sources, such as electric vehicles) are putting on the grid, “the data center industry needs to develop new power supply strategies to support growth plans,” Dietrich said. Here are the underling factors that play into the three strategies outlined by Uptime. Scale creates new opportunities: It’s not just that more data centers are being built, but the data centers under construction are fundamentally…

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Automation gains traction as CISOs grapple with compliance challenges

Automation gains traction as CISOs grapple with compliance challenges

According to the State of Continuous Controls Monitoring (CCM) Report, over half of CISOs (51.6%) still struggle to meet their governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) goals. As security leaders navigate increasingly complex technology environments, compliance with new and existing regulations remains a significant challenge. The report reveals a critical insight: while most CISOs see automation as a key opportunity to reduce manual processes, few are leveraging AI-powered tools in their compliance programs. This gap highlights…

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