Partner Experience Platform: The First 100 Days – Cisco Blogs

Did you know that the concept of the 100 days has its roots in France? As history buffs have it, 100 days used to refer to the period after Napoleon Bonaparte’s return to Paris in 1815. For us, the first 100 days of PXP have set a new course in our partner journey, and France isn’t the only country commenting. Here’s what one partner director had to say: “The right information, at the right time, in one place….Thank you. It’s an excellent step forward in making our business much easier to manage.”

A lot has happened in the first 100 days of PXP—often through Napoleonic efforts from the PXP team. Here are the highlights.

Platform adoption

More of you adopted PXP in the first 100 days than we had anticipated. I am heartened by quotes like this, from a partner EVP of intelligent infrastructure: “Our ability to go in and get accurate information, meaningful information, is critical to the way we do business…and it is really really critical that we are able to access [our data] in such a meaningful way.”

In the first eight weeks, the global adoption rate was two percentage points higher than our target. The number of unique platform users continued to climb, and nearly doubled from December 9 to January 15. More than 6,000 partner users have been activated on the platform. Our goal in the next 100 days is to see 75% of our global partner users on PXP.


Through our training sessions, tailored to countries in Europe, Asia, and the Americas, we have reached an audience of over 10,000. We measure customer satisfaction at the end of each session. At the 100-day mark, you gave us a score of 4.72 out of 5. Not bad at all. But I believe there’s always room for improvement. What else do you need from us? What can we do better? I look forward to hearing your thoughts.


PXP is rich in data and metrics and we were anticipating many questions about its functionality. We put a support team in place before the launch and recently added more staff. Our biggest finding so far is that you are not asking us how to use PXP. It’s been pleasantly surprising to see very few support cases open—a testament, I believe, to how intuitive the platform is.

Most of your questions center on the analytics capabilities in PXP. So we decided to add training and content about PXP Analytics; you will find it on our SalesConnect page. Our support staff is available around the clock. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them. They can answer questions from how to resolve an access issue to how to interpret PXP’s business insights.

Looking ahead

The next hundred days will bring more functionality, and I am thrilled to share the following.

  • Partner registration and program management. Future partners will be able to register directly in PXP. Partner registration, certification, and specialization renewals will also migrate to PXP, so you can manage your Cisco Partner Program credentials and business in one place with a single log-in.
  • Partner planning. A consistent, uniform planning process across the globe will soon be part of PXP. Together with your Cisco account managers, you’ll be able to plan with a common set of data and metrics.
  • Total Partner View (TPV) migration. One of our goals all along has been to simplify the user experience. By migrating TPV and integrating its capabilities into PXP, we want to offer a streamlined experience: you will get all the information and insights you need in one platform.

Thank you for your collaboration and feedback during these early days of our joint digital journey. We have heard from you through interactive training sessions, one-on-one meetings, and our partner events. Because your feedback is critical to our success, I encourage and welcome it. My team and I will listen, and will continue to design with you and do our best to incorporate your suggestions in the next 100 days and beyond.

Not on PXP yet? Enroll.


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