Per Mar Security remains resilient as threats evolve

As an early adopter of Cisco Secure Endpoint, Per Mar Security Services has seen the product evolve alongside the threat landscape. According to Dan Turner, CIO at Per Mar, the evolution of the Cisco security portfolio has helped the company remain cyber resilient during the pandemic and beyond.

We recently spoke with Turner to discuss how Per Mar uses Cisco technology to rapidly detect and mitigate threats, while still enabling employees to work from wherever they need to — whether it’s a conference, job site, or home office.

Safeguarding future success

Per Mar Security provides physical security services to both homes and businesses, protecting roughly 75,000 customers across 16 U.S. states. The company began using Cisco Secure Endpoint almost a decade ago to defend against attacks on its various devices. Today, it’s the main point of defense in making sure the company’s endpoints are safe. Cisco Secure Endpoint integrates with the other security products in Per Mar’s environment via Cisco SecureX.

SecureX brings together disparate security technologies from both Cisco and third parties to provide unified visibility and control. “This allows us peace of mind to know that we have the whole Cisco Secure solution being an extra set of eyes for us and making sure our customers and end users all stay safe and secure,” says Turner.

Per Mar has roughly 3,000 employees using a variety of devices on the company’s network — from Windows machines to iOS and Android devices. “We have become very mobile over the years, so working off tablets and mobile devices is how we get business done,” Turner explains. “Finding a tool like Cisco Secure Endpoint that can work across all those platforms and give my team one pane of glass to manage everything has been hugely important for us.”

This capability has enabled Per Mar to continue to operate smoothly in the midst of the pandemic. The company leveraged its existing infrastructure to spin up virtual workspaces for all of its employees within a week so they could work securely from home.

“Our Cisco systems and security frameworks allowed Per Mar to move
quickly and safely to support our employees when the pandemic hit.”

Dan Turner, CIO, Per Mar Security Services

Even before the pandemic, Cisco Secure Endpoint was able to swiftly remediate malware that found its way onto Per Mar’s network when employees worked remotely to attend conferences, for example, or to tend to other off-site obligations.

Protecting critical services

Per Mar Security provides critical protection from hazards such as burglary and fires for homes, manufacturing facilities, hospitals, college campuses, and more. It also secures special events such as high-profile football games and political conventions. Reliable IT and security systems are imperative for this work. “Without the infrastructure we have, we simply can’t provide services for our customers,” says Turner.

In addition to quickly detecting and blocking threats, the Cisco Secure portfolio integrated through SecureX has also dramatically improved Per Mar’s threat hunting and investigation capabilities. Being able to rapidly analyze data from multiple Cisco tools together in one place has enabled the company’s security team to efficiently identify the origin of a compromise down to the exact device and behavior that caused it. This ensures that the root cause can be addressed in a timely manner — often within a single day or even just a few hours.

“All those analytics allow my team to stay nimble, adapt as threats evolve, and capture any zero-day exploits that are sitting out there,” says Turner. “With Cisco Secure Endpoint, our mean time to detection is measured in hours, if not minutes, versus months or years. Because of how it ties back to the rest of the security stack that we use from Cisco, my team is able to go back through and pinpoint compromised systems in record speed.”

Maintaining security resilience

As the threat landscape and work environments continue to shift with the emergence of hybrid work, Per Mar remains secure. Its multi-layered defense provides robust protection against the full range of threat vectors. “Our Cisco technologies are just as critical today as they were when the world stopped spinning,” says Turner.

We are honored to play such a significant role in Per Mar’s continued success. Find out how your organization can maintain security resilience in the face of constant change.

Watch video: Per Mar Security gains threat visibility with Cisco Secure Endpoint

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