Remote Work Tools Are Here to Stay

Remote work technology has really progressed over the last few years. While we still had video conference calls and cloud content management systems (CMS), the shift to a hybrid work model has brought with it new demands. Despite the rapid advancement of remote work tools, many small businesses are still wary of shifting to a hybrid work model due to a lack of access to reliable technology or old mindsets regarding remote work.

Today, we are going to go over some of the misconceptions about hybrid work and all the ways remote work tools have become easier than ever to use. For an even deeper dive into the world of hybrid workplaces, listen to our recent podcast episode with guest Kristyn Hogan, VP of Collaboration Partner Sales at Cisco.


Don’t believe everything you think

The world is full of opinions regarding hybrid work. “Hybrid work is less effective than in-office work.” “It’s difficult to manage.” “Hybrid work solutions are expensive.” We’ve all heard them, but they could not be further from the truth.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdowns, remote work has become a way of life. Hybrid work can meld the best of in-office work and remote work to great effect. In fact, a recent study from  Summer 2022 Future Forum Pulse shows that two-thirds of employees prefer hybrid work environments over 100% in-office work.

This shift has caused remote work tools to become far more intuitive and cost-effective. So, if you’re stuck in the mindset that hybrid work models will lead to less productivity and a higher cost to do business, we’re here to set the record straight.


Hybrid work isn’t going anywhere

It’s safe to say that the work landscape will never be how it was in 2019. In 2020, every CIO had hybrid work on their radar to keep business moving. Today, not much has changed. CIOs still focus on new and better ways to improve hybrid work because they understand it’s here to stay.

That’s why here at Cisco, we strive to make our remote technology solutions as good, if not better, than in-person experiences. The fact is 98% of all meetings today and in the future will include at least one virtual attendee. Our approach is to ensure inclusivity so every person in a virtual meeting feels like part of the group.


What the future holds for hybrid work

Smart business owners should always look to the future for ways to improve their hybrid work environment.

A hybrid workplace requires a healthy amount of in-office collaboration as well. Allowing employees to work remotely with the most cost-effective solutions helps save on employee drive times and business utility costs. Finding the right tools to address your employees’ needs creates an easy transition between remote and in-office work.

Another area we’re seeing is the shift from call centers to contact centers. Rather than relying solely on a phone system, contact centers use the latest remote work tools to fully integrate their day-to-day in the cloud. One way Cisco does this is through Webex Connect, a Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) that brings all your customer interactions into a single platform.

Since video conference calls are here to stay, it’s important that they are accessible and flexible to meet today’s needs. As impressive as Webex video call technology is, the reality is employees are likely to jump from one platform to another when meeting with individuals outside their organization, whether it’s a Zoom or Microsoft Teams call.

To address this, Cisco has partnered with Microsoft to allow our best-in-the-world video devices to register natively with Microsoft’s Azure Cloud to make it easy to jump from one platform to another seamlessly.


Streamlining collaboration has never been easier

Nowadays, packaging your remote work solutions has never been easier. It’s simple to manage a hybrid work environment with suites of solutions that bring all your tools under one roof. Whether you’re a small business or an enterprise-level company, several cost-efficient, all-in-one platforms allow your employees to connect and collaborate.

For example, Cisco Meraki, Webex and Duo work together to enhance your network, improve collaboration and keep your data secure. Finding the right package for you comes down to understanding your business’s needs. If you need help deciding which suite of solutions works best for your business, you can contact a Cisco expert today.


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