Most Tech Leaders Worry About SaaS Security Threats

Most Tech Leaders Worry About SaaS Security Threats

Software-as-a-Service applications have long been targets of cyberthreats. A new study finds that these threats remain top of mind for 78% of U.S. technology leaders as more SaaS apps find their way into the enterprise. Although enterprises have been prioritizing data privacy and security, their continued reliance on SaaS and cloud offerings means they remain at risk, according to the The SaaS Disruption Report: Security & Data by Onymos and Enterprise Strategy Group. Shiva Nathan,…

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“Build for Better” – Revolutionize Sustainability with AI, Observability, and Cisco Tech

“Build for Better” – Revolutionize Sustainability with AI, Observability, and Cisco Tech

Dear Developers and Innovators, As the Vice President of an organization deeply committed to technological advancements and environmental sustainability, I am thrilled to announce an exciting coding challenge. We’re calling it, “Build for Better.” The challenge will run from March 14th through April 22nd (Earth Day). This is more than just a competition; it’s a call to action for application developers to harness their skills in AI, Observability, and Sustainability to make a real-world impact….

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Shift Left Exhaustion – Part 2: Smart Shift Left

Shift Left Exhaustion – Part 2: Smart Shift Left

Introduction In my previous blog post, we discussed the state of the union for shift left and and how many organizations are not implementing correctly. So what now? We need to understand the are signs of doing shift left incorrectly and learn how to take a different approach. Recognizing the consequences of a poor shift left model A poor shift left model has “soft” and “hard” consequences. Soft consequences impact the development staff’s workload, health,…

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Avoiding Shift Left Exhaustion – Part 1

Avoiding Shift Left Exhaustion – Part 1

A realistic guide to empowering application developers In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, application developers are the unsung heroes who craft the software that powers our modern world. They’re responsible for creating the apps we use daily, the websites we visit, and the systems that keep businesses running smoothly. Yet, despite their crucial role, developers often find themselves caught in a whirlwind of challenges – juggling tight deadlines, complex code, and the ever-evolving technology landscape. “Shift…

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