Improving Software Supply Chain Cybersecurity

Improving Software Supply Chain Cybersecurity

The software supply chain includes: Data distribution services (DDS) DDS is a machine-to-machine technology used for publish-subscribe middleware applications in real-time and embedded systems. Maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG), DDS plays a critical role in implementing reliable communication layers between sensors, controllers, and actuators. It is located at the beginning of the chain, making it easy to lose sight of, and therefore, an attractive target for malicious actors. In January 2022, Trend Micro…

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CISA Gov Alert: 2023-25 Plan Focuses on Unified Cybersecurity

CISA Gov Alert: 2023-25 Plan Focuses on Unified Cybersecurity

Breakdown of CISA Strategic Plan Goals & Objectives A strategy is a Litmus test for evaluating alternate plans or a guide for investing scare resources. This document plan does not meet those requirements. Instead, it lists a set of noble aspirations and goals. Goal 1: Cyber Defense, and Goal 2: Risk Reduction and Resilience, are core to CISA’s mission to protect critical infrastructure. Goal 3: Operational Collaboration and Goal 4: Agency Unification, speak to the…

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Improving Software Supply Chain Cybersecurity

Improving Software Supply Chain Cybersecurity

Consider these key attack vectors: Open source code Mostly commonly, developers copy open source code from shared public libraries like Github to get everyday components. Why waste valuable time writing code to take a message from one field to another when someone else has already done it? The ease of use is why 90% of modern applications leverage open source code. However, the unchecked nature of open source code can lead to crippling attacks like…

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ICS & OT Cybersecurity Attack Trends

ICS & OT Cybersecurity Attack Trends

Trend Micro also found that enterprises suffered multiple attacks and disruptions over a 12-month period. 72% of respondents reported experiences at least six ICS/OT disruptions due to cyberattacks. Despite multiple disruptions—and the consequences of such—Trend Micro found that less than half of organizations (48%) take actions to reduce future risks. Maturity of cybersecurity implementation Enterprises may be struggling to fend off multiple attacks due to the maturity of their cybersecurity program. Trend Micro used the…

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Addressing Cyber Risk with a Unified Platform

Addressing Cyber Risk with a Unified Platform

Today, we’re going to be talking about key considerations for addressing cyber risk with a security platform. Now, I’m going to talk today about the trade-offs between the platform, portfolio, and standalone approaches, as well as how to actually evaluate a security platform. And I want to close by talking a little bit about some keys to success and how you can really position yourself well when you’re thinking about what security platform you should…

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Ukraine Cyberattack 2022: Geopolitical Cybersecurity

Ukraine Cyberattack 2022: Geopolitical Cybersecurity

Europe is on a knife-edge. With over 130,000 Russian troops amassed on the Ukrainian border, the region is witnessing the biggest build-up of firepower since the cold war. Inevitably, there is also cyber-dimension to this conflict. Mounting attacks on Ukrainian websites and I.T. infrastructure are making policymakers in Washington and elsewhere nervous should tensions rise further. All of this comes amidst unprecedented US-Russian cooperation to crack down on organized cybercrime. However, CISOs should be clear:…

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