Forrester Named Cisco a Leader in the 2024 Microsegmentation Wave

Forrester Named Cisco a Leader in the 2024 Microsegmentation Wave

After a rigorous evaluation of 11 microsegmentation vendors, Cisco was named a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Microsegementation Solutions, Q3 2024 report. We are incredibly excited to receive this recognition, achieving the highest scores possible in 12 of the 23 evaluated criteria — defined as superior relative to others in this evaluation — including network-based enforcement, support for DevSecOps and roadmap.   In its vendor profile of Cisco, Forrester comments that we take a “more realistic,…

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The Critical Intersection of AI and Security: A Partnership Imperative

The Critical Intersection of AI and Security: A Partnership Imperative

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force—driving innovation and efficiency across countless industries. However, as we integrate AI deeper into our way of living, we must pause and consider a crucial question: What is AI without security? Think of AI without security as a vault filled with treasures but left unlocked. It’s a high-speed train barreling down the tracks with no conductor aboard. In essence, it’s a…

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Introducing Cisco Cloud Protection – Complete Protection, from Ground to Cloud

Introducing Cisco Cloud Protection – Complete Protection, from Ground to Cloud

A few weeks ago, I was speaking with a CISO who said, “Our team is coming to the conclusion right now that we need to hire experts for every cloud – GCP, Azure, AWS – just to maintain our existing security. We don’t have the headcount for that.” This wasn’t the first time I’ve heard this. In fact, it’s become a common theme in my conversations with customers and partners. That’s because today, most organizations…

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