Where Is DevNet Going Over the Next 10 Years, and Beyond?

Where Is DevNet Going Over the Next 10 Years, and Beyond?

Wow! It’s been 6 months since I wrote my last DevNet 10-year blog, ruminating on the creation and history of Cisco DevNet. Since then, the marking of our 10 year anniversary has exploded with in-person events at Cisco Live! in Melbourne and Amsterdam and a virtual celebration coming up on March 14th. I want to start this blog by saying a big “THANK YOU!” to our community for helping us look back and recognize the…

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Securing APIs From Left to Right (and Everywhere in Between)

Securing APIs From Left to Right (and Everywhere in Between)

Major data breaches are on the rise, and APIs are increasingly being used to gain access to sensitive data. The reasons for this are twofold: APIs are the first line of defense into an application (and it’s data), and more and more applications are accessible via the cloud and APIs. Everything from non-critical functionality, like music streaming and social media, to extremely critical data, such as financial accounts and healthcare, is accessible 24×7 through APIs….

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A DevNet Decade of Innovation and Community Growth

A DevNet Decade of Innovation and Community Growth

Since its launch in 2014, Cisco DevNet has been more than just a platform for developers and IT professionals. It has been a thriving community of like-minded individuals driven by their passion for technology and their desire to collaborate on best practices and discover most efficient tools and techniques for building solutions, solving problems. DevNet has been a playground for application developers and network automation professionals, helping them to solve issues and build solutions across…

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