Delivering Resilient Connectivity for AI

Delivering Resilient Connectivity for AI

Cisco EVP and CPO Jeetu Patel recently shared how service providers and hyperscalers must rethink their architectures to deliver the future of global connectivity in the AI era. As we head to the OFC conference next week, AI transformation will certainly be a hot topic, as it increasingly demands high-speed interconnects between data centers—and within data centers—that only fiber optics can provide. AI is driving a massive surge in data center workloads, with IDC predicting that…

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The Blueprint for AI-Driven Connectivity

The Blueprint for AI-Driven Connectivity

The internet ecosystem is in constant transition, and with that evolution comes changing dynamics and shifts across the value chain. As a result, these hubs were traditionally confined to a set of larger cities and contained to a small set of facilities within those. While the traditional interconnect model has served its purpose for decades, it is now becoming increasingly outdated. The evolution of distributed, dynamic services is exposing the inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and large failure…

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Bell Canada’s Transformation Journey with Routed Optical Networking

Bell Canada’s Transformation Journey with Routed Optical Networking

Service providers worldwide are turning to Routed Optical Networking to make their infrastructure simpler and more cost-efficient to operate, fast-track the delivery of new services, and add more capacity to keep up with growing customer demand. It’s a game-changer, completely redefining the economics of networking by lowering TCO by up to 45% and dramatically simplifying operations. I sat down with Marc-André Gilbert, Senior Manager of Transport Planning at Bell Canada, to hear about the company’s…

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Routed Optical Networking Continues to Transform the Industry

Routed Optical Networking Continues to Transform the Industry

The introduction of Cisco Routed Optical Networking transformed the optical networking industry, breaking a 20+ year multi-layer network architecture and paving the way to a converged  IP+Optical network architecture. With the introduction of pluggable coherent optics just a few short years ago, we asked, “What benefits might result with a new network architecture?” And, the answer was “significant OpEx and CapEx savings results” with what is now known as Routed Optical Networking. Routed Optical Networking…

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