The growing multifactor authentication imperative

The growing multifactor authentication imperative

The growing multifactor authentication imperative | Security Magazine This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to learn more. This Website Uses CookiesBy closing…

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Global Cyber Risk Lowers to Moderate Level in 2H’ 2022

Global Cyber Risk Lowers to Moderate Level in 2H’ 2022

+0.01 The current global cyber risk index is at +0.01, considered a moderate risk level and higher than 1H’2022 when it was -0.15. Globally, this means many organizations have been doing better at preparing for an attack (CPI). In this iteration, we also saw an improvement in the CTI, meaning respondents felt the threat landscape improved. This may be due to ransomware appearing to drop during the second half of 2022. Digging into each of…

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Attackers Use Containers for Profit via TrafficStealer

Attackers Use Containers for Profit via TrafficStealer

Attackers Use Containers for Profit via TrafficStealer Cloud We found TrafficStealer abusing open container APIs in order to redirect traffic to specific websites and manipulate engagement with ads. By: Alfredo Oliveira April 26, 2023 Read time:  ( words) Our team deploys containers and containerized honeypots to monitor any unwanted activities, as well as to reinforce cloud security solutions and recommendations. While these honeypots frequently capture cryptocurrency miners trying to exploit computational resources, we recently discovered…

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Trend Achieves AWS Level 1 MSSP Competency Status

Trend Achieves AWS Level 1 MSSP Competency Status

Are your security teams overwhelmed with notifications and ever-expanding queues of suspicious activities that require investigation? You are not alone. According to Trend Micro™ Research, 51% of organizations are drowning in alerts. As the attack surface continues to evolve, your organization’s ability to discover, assess, and mitigate risk effectively and efficiently will determine your capacity to stop adversaries. So, what would it mean to your organization if you could become more resilient to the onslaught…

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5 Types of Cyber Crime Groups

5 Types of Cyber Crime Groups

The adage “teamwork makes dreamwork” extends to cybercriminals as well. To launch more successful cyberattacks, malicious actors with different specialized skills have conglomerated to form Cybercrime as a Service (CaaS). We’re now seeing people and groups specialize in various parts of the attack lifecycle. This means that we’re likely going to see less mistakes made leading to detections, and we should expect multiple groups colonizing an infected network. Within CaaS there are five types of…

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Choosing a Hybrid Cloud Security Solution 101

Choosing a Hybrid Cloud Security Solution 101

The accelerated shift to the cloud was mostly borne out of necessity due to the influx of remote workers and changing customer demands requiring more business agility. According to Forrester, 94% of US enterprise infrastructure decision makers are using at least one type of cloud deployment. While there is a push to be cloud-native, the reality is that most companies will keep their “crown jewels” or critical systems on private clouds or on-prem, while leveraging…

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Future Proof Your Business from Cybersecurity Threats

Future Proof Your Business from Cybersecurity Threats

In this blog, I’ll share two ways to shift our mindset from reactive to proactive cybersecurity as well as best practices to secure your attack surface against the most common cybersecurity threats. Cybercriminals adopt technologies long after businesses do Many feel that cybersecurity is a cat and mouse game with the threat actors able to constantly thwart the efforts of the cybersecurity community by introducing new tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) whenever they need. It…

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Cyber Insurance Coverage FAQ with DataStream CEO

Cyber Insurance Coverage FAQ with DataStream CEO

Common perception now points to the COVID-19 epidemic as the demarcation point for our new era for cybersecurity. This expansion of remote work and cloud services has widened the attack surface significantly and placed security leaders in a position to approach cybersecurity and cyber risk more proactively. However, the “new normal” hasn’t just affected the how IT security teams operate, as we’re seeing a hardening of the cyber insurance market. This is due to an…

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Unpacking the Structure of Modern Cybercrime Organizations

Unpacking the Structure of Modern Cybercrime Organizations

The last 20 years have seen the cyberthreat landscape transform markedly: From an era of cyberattacks with damaging payloads, the cybercrime space has evolved to one where malicious actors have organized themselves into groups, mainly driven by financial gain. Consequently, organizations now contend with a new breed of cybercriminals fiercely competing among themselves to claim a bigger stake in a highly lucrative market. Given present circumstances, malicious actors have organized themselves in ways that show…

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Stay Ahead of Cyber Threats

Stay Ahead of Cyber Threats

Trend Micro serves over half a million corporate customers across the globe, including eight of the top 10 telecom firms. Many of these customers are among the world’s largest organizations – running some of the most demanding IT environments on the planet. They need industry-leading threat protection, detection, and response capabilities to work at high speed and scale. That’s why we recently enhanced our TX product line of high-performance appliances with the 9200TXE. As attack…

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