Email Attacks a Problem for National Infrastructure Companies

Email Attacks a Problem for National Infrastructure Companies

Cyber attackers are repeatedly using malicious emails to infiltrate critical national infrastructure. Up to 80% of CNI companies experienced an email-related security breach in the last year, according to a new report from security solution provider OPSWAT. Compromising CNI, like utilities, transport, telecommunications, and now data centres, can lead to widespread disruption, making it a prime target for cyber attacks. A recent report from Malwarebytes found that the services industry is the worst affected by…

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NIS2 Compliance Unveiled: Operational Managers' Roadmap to Actionable Security Measures

NIS2 Compliance Unveiled: Operational Managers' Roadmap to Actionable Security Measures

Most companies acting in the European Union (EU) responsible for their own, or other, critical infrastructures already have stringent processes and procedures triggered by national and industry regulations and through implementing industry standards like IEC 62443 and IEC 62351. However, new and evolving regulations, like the upcoming implementation of the EU NIS2 Directive in each EU Member State, force companies to reassess the current state of their organizational, operational, and technical security controls, along with…

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