ICS Security Event S4 2022 Review

ICS Security Event S4 2022 Review

Technology and International Relation Niloofar Razi Howe one of the unique and strong influencers in the cybersecurity world, investor of technology ventures, directors of consulting firms, and advisors to public agencies such as the Department of Defense delivered the keynote speech for the event. Howe spoke about how technologies are affecting real-world international relations, saying that decentralized, distributed and personalized capabilities blur the line between cybercrime and national attacks. She added that the modern war…

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Cloud-Native App Security Platform

Cloud-Native App Security Platform

The cloud is driving transformative benefits for global organizations. But in rushing their applications and infrastructure into new computing environments, they’re also exposing business-critical data to new risks. There are now more ways for the bad guys to steal data, deploy malware, hijack resources, and hold them to ransom. The complexity of hybrid and multi-cloud environments and the need to coordinate across multiple stakeholder groups further compound these challenges. The answer is a simple, flexible,…

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AvosLocker Ransomware Variant Abuses Driver File to Disable Anti-Virus, Scans for Log4shell

AvosLocker Ransomware Variant Abuses Driver File to Disable Anti-Virus, Scans for Log4shell

Conclusion While AvosLocker has been documented for its abuse of AnyDesk for lateral movement as its preferred application, we note that other remote access applications can also be abused to replace it. We think the same can be said for the software deployment tool, wherein the malicious actors can subsequently decide to replace and abuse it with other commercially available ones. In addition, aside from its availability, the decision to choose the specific rootkit driver…

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Here’s a Path to Better Attack Surface Risk Management

Here’s a Path to Better Attack Surface Risk Management

So, how can security leaders stay on top of their attack surface and ahead of the bad guys? By leveraging a unified cybersecurity platform that enables continuous security visibility and monitoring across the discovery, assessment, and mitigation phases of the attack surface risk lifecycle. Let’s dive deeper into how a platform can enhance attack surface risk management versus utilizing point products. Discover your digital attack surface First, you need total visibility to be able to…

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Attack Surface Management Partner Bit Discovery Bolsters Offering

Attack Surface Management Partner Bit Discovery Bolsters Offering

Security starts with visibility: you can’t protect what you can’t see. And yet, this is a perennial problem in cybersecurity. We’re excited to bring attack surface discovery capabilities to the Trend Micro One platform, providing ongoing visibility to internal assets (devices, identities, applications) but also external, Internet-facing assets. And we’re doing the latter in partnership with Bit Discovery, an innovative start-up founded by Jeremiah Grossman (previously co-founder of WhiteHat Security). How bad is the attack…

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Critically Underrated: Studying the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol

Critically Underrated: Studying the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol

By Federico Maggi, Rainer Vosseler (Trend Micro Research), Mars Cheng, Patrick Kuo, Chizuru Toyama, Ta-Lun Yen (TXOne Networks), Erik Boasson (ADLINK), and Victor Mayoral Vilches (Alias Robotics) Despite being unknown even to industry practitioners, the Data Distribution Service (DDS) protocol has been in use for more than a decade. This middleware software technology is responsible for running billions of public and private devices and mechanisms currently in use.  DDS is integral in embedded systems that…

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Research Firm: TM

Research Firm: TM

If organizations weren’t committed to the cloud before the pandemic, they certainly are now. Two years of sometimes gale-force business headwinds, market uncertainty and operational adversity have confirmed the criticality of cloud to boardroom leaders. By April 2021, a third of global organizations said they were running more than 50% of their workloads in the cloud. By this fall, it’s estimated that over half (56%) of enterprises worldwide will be. That’s why Trend Micro has…

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Oil & Gas Cybersecurity: Stop Critical Operation Cyber-attacks

Oil & Gas Cybersecurity: Stop Critical Operation Cyber-attacks

The oil and gas utilities industry face threats from cyber incidents. The ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline in May 2021 had a huge impact on the industry. In February 2022, it was also reported that European oil facilities hit by cyber-attack and forced to operate at limited capacity. These latest incidents suggest that oil and gas supply process depend on IT systems, and that the critical operations could be disrupted by IT not working…

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Utility Cybersecurity: How Cyber Awareness Can Reduce Future Risk

Utility Cybersecurity: How Cyber Awareness Can Reduce Future Risk

Utility Cybersecurity: How Cyber Awareness Can Reduce Future Risk Compliance & Risks Trend Micro has released a technical report on how the electric utility industry can gain situational awareness across entire network. By: Kazuhisa Tagaya March 14, 2022 Read time:  ( words) The electric utility industry is one of the most critical infrastructure industries that highly affect people’s lives and economic activities. The power grids connect the systems of power generation, substation, transmission, and distribution…

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Why Cyber Change Outpaces Boardroom Engagement

Why Cyber Change Outpaces Boardroom Engagement

Humans are addicted to stories. But sometimes the stories we tell are overly simplistic. In cybersecurity, a recurring narrative is one of C-suite executives perpetually at odds with IT leaders. They’re disinterested in what the security team does, and release funds begrudgingly and often reactively once a serious incident has occurred. This leads to mounting cyber risk, and an increasing likelihood that the organization will suffer serious reputational and financial damage stemming from future incidents—or…

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