Establishing a Proactive Cybersecurity Plan

Establishing a Proactive Cybersecurity Plan

A recent survey with Sapio Research has revealed that 73% of respondents were concerned about the size of their digital attack surface. This overwhelming reaction to the current state of cyber threats affecting organizations is based upon a single fact: remote work. Due to expansions in WFA (work-from-anywhere) labor forces and organizational cloud services, the reality of being exposed to a cyberattack has migrated from “if” to “when.” This has ushered in a need for…

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Security Patch Management Strengthens Ransomware Defense

Security Patch Management Strengthens Ransomware Defense

Inundated with monthly, weekly, and even daily software patches, IT teams need a strategic approach to security patch management—one that lets them put risks into context, prioritize effectively, and manage their overall attack surface risk. Continue reading the Ransomware Spotlight series: Enterprises today have a massive amount of software to manage and keep up to date—1,061 applications on average, according to the MuleSoft Research 2023 Connectivity Benchmark Report. At that scale, with many software vendors…

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Phishing as a Service Stimulates Cybercrime

Phishing as a Service Stimulates Cybercrime

According to Verizon, 78% of organizations experienced email-based ransomware attacks in 2021, with 15 million phishing messages containing malware being directly linked to later-stage ransomware. The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic saw a dramatic rise in phishing attacks, with Trend Micro data showing a whopping 137.6% growth in 2020 alone. Part of the proliferation of email-based attacks can be linked to the rise in the growing trend of the overarching notion of crime as a…

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Decrypting Cyber Risk Quantification

Decrypting Cyber Risk Quantification

Executive teams are faced with a challenging combination of an increasingly complex threat landscape and a rapidly growing attack surface. Together, these two factors are putting the modern enterprise at greater risk of exposure and potential breach. For security leaders, understanding the unique risk profile of the organization is not only a critical first step, but a required, continuous process to protect the enterprise against malicious adversarial threats — whether it comes in the form…

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Fight Ransomware with a Cybersecurity Audit

Fight Ransomware with a Cybersecurity Audit

With thousands of devices and increasingly distributed IT environments, it’s easy for organizations to lose track of open IP addresses, admin accounts, and infrastructure configurations. That creates an opening for cybercriminals to exploit with ransomware and other types of attacks. Enterprises can protect themselves by evolving traditional IT inventory practices into robust cybersecurity audit procedures as part of an overall attack surface risk management approach. Cybercriminals are constantly hunting for openings and weaknesses to exploit…

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Lower Data Breach Insurance Costs with These Tips

Lower Data Breach Insurance Costs with These Tips

The proliferation of ransomware and business email compromise (BEC) cyberattacks has forced organizations to change their perception towards the current threat environment. The question is no longer “if” your business will fall victim to a threat campaign, it’s now a matter of “when.” IBM Security reported that 83% of organizations studied have had more than one data breach. While the average cost of a data breach has reached an all-time high of USD 4.35 million…

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OT Cybersecurity Plan to Prevent the 5Ds

OT Cybersecurity Plan to Prevent the 5Ds

Some of the most dramatic changes to the cybersecurity landscape are happening in manufacturing, where industry 4.0 promises to empower businesses with faster and more dynamic capabilities, thanks to the growing prominence of 5G networks, automation, and cloud analytics. With every new connection, cybersecurity leaders face a growing attack surface complicated by other developments like a looming global recession poised to shrink their teams and resources. A cybersecurity plan is needed to protect against these…

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Ransomware Revolution: 4 Types of Cyber Risks in 2023

Ransomware Revolution: 4 Types of Cyber Risks in 2023

Security leaders and CISOs have been protecting their organizations from ransomware for decades, adapting with changes in technology to defend against the costly risks of stolen data or interruptions to critical systems. But adversaries always have new tricks up their sleeves and now the global community of ransomware groups seems poised for a revolution that could make them more effective, versatile, and dangerous. How will ransomware’s business model change? The kill chain employed by ransomware…

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A Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Guide for Leaders

A Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Guide for Leaders

Now more than ever, keeping your cyber risk in check is crucial. In the first half of 2022’s Cyber Risk Index, 85% of the survey’s 4,100 global respondents said it’s somewhat to very likely they will experience a cyber attack in the next 12 months. And 90% admitted they suffered at least one successful cyber attack in the past 12 months. Avoiding a breach is not always possible—especially since business and cybersecurity objectives are rarely…

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6 Ransomware Trends & Evolutions For 2023

6 Ransomware Trends & Evolutions For 2023

More than any other industry, cybersecurity is constantly changing. But the number of major paradigm shifts that transformed the world of cybersecurity in the past few years has been unprecedented, especially when it comes to combating ransomware. The costly and global threat of ransomware has evolved alongside changing technology in the past two decades. Just as threat researchers and engineers rethink their solutions when the currents of cybersecurity shift, their adversaries are always following the…

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