Ransomware Recovery Plan for 2023

Ransomware Recovery Plan for 2023

Ransomware continues to be a significant global threat for organizations in all sectors. In 2022, it accounted for 41% of breaches, with an average cost per breach of $4.5 million. While authorities have had some success cracking down on ransomware perpetrators, bad actors are expected to evolve their tactics and business models, generating new attack types and pursuing new targets such as the enterprise cloud. Since the ransomware risk is less a question of “if”…

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4 Cyber Insurance Requirement Predictions for 2023

4 Cyber Insurance Requirement Predictions for 2023

Download Trend Micro’s Guide to Cyber Insurance Just a decade ago, it seemed like the only requirement from cyber insurance carriers was the need for a policy; the application process was easy, and the questionnaire was simple. But as ransomware attacks grew in popularity and damage, carriers were forced to tighten the reigns to keep a balanced book. In 2020, we witnessed the cyber insurance market harden for the first time ever. Since then, carriers…

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Why Data Hygiene is Key to Industrial Cybersecurity

Why Data Hygiene is Key to Industrial Cybersecurity

If there’s a common denominator to today’s security woes, it’s complexity. Industrial and enterprise IT environments are more open, interdependent, and essential than ever before. Practicing good data hygiene is one of the best ways for organizations to protect themselves, and it starts with a zero-trust approach to network access. Complexity is a security risk Part of what makes IT environments so complex today is the distributed nature of industrial and business operations, which decentralizes…

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Improve Cyber Security Posture with 2023 Predictions

Improve Cyber Security Posture with 2023 Predictions

Digitalization has made enterprise cybersecurity more complex than ever before. Taking that context into account, Future/Tense: Trend Micro Security Predictions for 2023 looks at some of the key trends organizations will need to address to strengthen their security posture for the year ahead. This blog focuses on four priority threat predictions—cloud misconfigurations, hidden vulnerabilities, the vanishing network perimeter, and evolving ransomware business models—as well as a growing trend that will redefine enterprise cybersecurity going forward:…

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Intrusion Detection & Prevention Systems Guide

Intrusion Detection & Prevention Systems Guide

Don’t get stuck choosing between on or the other. Ideally you want to find an IDS and IPS solution that integrate – forming IDPS – for full detection and response capabilities. IDS will give you a deep understanding of how traffic is moving across your network, while IPS provides active network security by preventing and remediating detections. Making an informed decision Not all security solutions are the same. Some vendors are marketing masters who make…

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Cyber Insurance Policy Underwriting Explained

Cyber Insurance Policy Underwriting Explained

Businesses are often in the dark when it comes to applying for a cyber insurance policy. What documentation is necessary? What should they expect? What security controls are underwriters actually looking for? I spoke to John Hennessy, RVP of underwriting at Cowbell, for an insider’s perspective on the underwriting process. Q: What should people know about cyber insurance underwriters?Q: What does the typical underwriting engagement look like?Q: What are some of the non-security factors underwriters…

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Cybersecurity Plan: 3 Keys for CISOs

Cybersecurity Plan: 3 Keys for CISOs

Today’s CISO is a lot like a football coach. Both need to have a vision for success. Both need to build a team and win over the respect of their players. And both are judged on performance. In football, the main performance metric is wins, including all the steps that go into winning: first downs, completed passes, turnovers, touchdowns. What does performance mean for today’s CISO? Well-known KPIs, such as mean time to recovery (MTTR),…

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Data Exfiltration Prevention with SASE

Data Exfiltration Prevention with SASE

Read: The boom in digital connectivity has made data privacy a top concern for businesses. As businesses use more SaaS and cloud applications existing in public clouds, they lose visibility and control. Data exfiltration can not only cause operational and reputational harm, but can lead to revenue losses, hefty compliance fines, expensive class-action lawsuits, and even ransomware demand and recovery costs.  Unfortunately, protecting data is not a simple feat in hybrid- and multi-cloud environments. This…

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How a Unified Security Platform Protects the Cloud

How a Unified Security Platform Protects the Cloud

Cloud solutions are business-essential these days. Organizations are using hybrid and multi-cloud environments to connect users, data, applications, workloads, and devices in dynamic ways. But that growing dependence on the cloud has also expanded the attack surface, adding layers of potential vulnerability and putting security and compliance risks at the top of enterprise concerns. While it’s common practice to address these threats with best-of-breed point solutions, the sheer number of products required to cover the…

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Security Culture Matters when IT is Decentralized

Security Culture Matters when IT is Decentralized

Decentralized structures can give organizations powerful agility and speed up the deployment of new technologies. But the cost of decentralization is that it’s hard to ensure decisions are made consistently and with all the right considerations in mind—which is a very real problem when it comes to security. Fifty-six percent of CISOs in EY’s 2021 Global Information Security Survey said their teams are consulted late or not at all when company leaders make time-sensitive strategic…

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