Email Security Best Practices for Phishing Prevention

Email Security Best Practices for Phishing Prevention

Organizations understand the importance of protecting sensitive information and avoiding a data breach. However, security teams are struggling to contain phishing attacks. Security risks increase due to the inability to view and successfully filter email threats, accurately differentiate between marketing and phishing emails, and apply a multi-layered email security approach with rules to holistically track traffic and stop malicious actions in real life. This article explores email security best practices to defend against phishing attacks…

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7 Cyber Attack Vectors & How to Protect Them

7 Cyber Attack Vectors & How to Protect Them

7 Cyber Attack Vectors & How to Protect Them Risk Management The quicker a cyberattack is identified, the less it costs. Jon Clay, VP of Threat Intelligence, reviews 7 key initial attack vendors and provides proactive security tips to help you reduce cyber risk across the attack surface. By: Jon Clay November 15, 2022 Read time:  ( words) Digital transformation and remote work have rapidly expanded the attack surface. As the collection of applications, websites,…

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4 Types of Cyber Crime Groups

4 Types of Cyber Crime Groups

The adage “teamwork makes dreamwork” extends to cybercriminals as well. To launch more successful cyberattacks, malicious actors with different specialized skills have conglomerated to form Cybercrime as a Service (CaaS). We’re now seeing people and groups specialize in various parts of the attack lifecycle. This means that we’re likely going to see less mistakes made leading to detections, and we should expect multiple groups colonizing an infected network. Within CaaS there are four types of…

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Hybrid Cloud Management Security Tools

Hybrid Cloud Management Security Tools

Learn more about cloud security by joining Trend Micro at AWS re:Invent fromNov. 28 – Dec. 2 The accelerated shift to the cloud was mostly borne out of necessity due to the influx of remote workers and changing customer demands requiring more business agility. According to Forrester, 94% of US enterprise infrastructure decision makers are using at least one type of cloud deployment. While there is a push to be cloud-native, the reality is that…

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Guide to Better Threat Detection and Response

Guide to Better Threat Detection and Response

Not all threats originate at the endpoint. According to Verizon’s 2022 Data Breach Investigations Report, web applications and email are the top two vectors for breaches. XDR enables you to detect compromised accounts sending internal phishing emails, whereas native email security tools typically only monitors for malicious emails being delivered externally. XDR will also sweep mailboxes for IoCs in real time. With this information, the SOC can investigate who else received the email as well…

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How a Cloud Security Broker Reduces SaaS App Risks

How a Cloud Security Broker Reduces SaaS App Risks

Read: Data exposure from SaaS and cloud applications is an increasing risk factor facing businesses today. Depending on where your organization is along its digital transformation, multi-cloud environments and cloud applications are likely being used for critical business operations. There are good reasons to move to SaaS apps, such as their simplicity, reduction of administration, and cost reductions. Since the advent of cloud computing, applications like Microsoft Office, Salesforce, and Box™ have made themselves indispensable…

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Top Cloud Security Challenges & How to Beat Them

Top Cloud Security Challenges & How to Beat Them

An overview of how ngrok, a cloud tunnelling service, works. What’s at risk With access to a developer’s machine, cybercriminals can take advantage of local admin privileges or the shared work-in-progress to seed malware. They can also use hijacked credentials to get into the organization’s cloud dev environment or other systems, potentially accessing sensitive information or injecting vulnerabilities into application source code and pipelines. These kinds of breaches are hard to detect because the associated…

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Ransomware Insurance Security Requirement Strategies

Ransomware Insurance Security Requirement Strategies

A cyber insurance policy is a necessary element in a company’s risk mitigation strategy. However, obtaining/renewing a policy is becoming more difficult, and premiums have drastically increased. Direct-written premiums increased by 92% in 2021 according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The primary reason for the hardening of the cyber insurance market? Ransomware. Since ransomware accounts for 75% of all insurance claims, premiums are directly correlated with the 148% increase in attacks through Q3…

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Software Patch Management Policy Best Practices for Large Orgs

Software Patch Management Policy Best Practices for Large Orgs

Organizations should start by only focusing on the bugs relevant to the application systems they use in-house. From that point, security teams can work to identify which of those bugs are being actively exploited and which are part of the business’s critical infrastructure. These are the key vulnerabilities to hone in on – the ones that could pose significant harm to your organization. The next is to identify those applications and/or operating systems that have…

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Prevent Ransomware Attacks on Critical Infrastructure

Prevent Ransomware Attacks on Critical Infrastructure

Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022 Series Cyberattacks against critical infrastructure can cause massive societal disruption and take an enormous financial toll. Those high stakes make industrial IT and OT (operational technologies) appealing targets for ransomware in particular. Applying strong cyber defenses to six critical OT domains can help prevent ransomware and other threats to power grids, pipelines and similar essential operations. Ransomware attacks on industrial targets continue to rise, accounting for more than half of all…

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